Source code for HTMACat.Extract_info

from import read
from HTMACat.catkit.gen.utils import to_gratoms

import os

# from import molecule
from import molecule
from itertools import chain
from collections import Counter

# 1.Substract the reaction species
[docs]def Extract_reaction(Efile): """Extract the adsorbate and gas species from a given reaction file. Parameters ---------- Efile : str Path of the reaction file.The reaction formula can be NH3(a)+O(a)=N(a)+NO(a) Returns ------- tuple A tuple of two lists containing adsorbate and gas species, respectively. """ ReaInfo = open(f"{Efile}", "r+") ad_species = [] gas_species = [] specie_f_mol = [] specie_f_typ = [] specie_b_mol = [] specie_b_typ = [] for index, line in enumerate(ReaInfo): specie_f = line.split("=")[0].strip() specie_b = line.split("=")[1].strip() # Operation on reactant ##Extract the product molecule and type (a g s) specie_f_list = [] for i in range(len(specie_f.split("+"))): specie_f_list += [specie_f.split("+")[i].strip()] for j, specie in enumerate(specie_f_list): mol = specie.split("(", 1)[0].strip() typ = specie.split("(", 1)[1].split(")")[0].strip() if typ == "a": if mol not in ad_species: ad_species += [mol] elif typ == "g": if mol not in gas_species: gas_species += [mol] specie_f_mol += [mol] specie_f_typ += [typ] # print(ad_species) # print(gas_species) # Operation on product ##Exstract the product molecule and type (a g s) specie_b_list = [] for i in range(len(specie_b.split("+"))): specie_b_list += [specie_b.split("+")[i].strip()] for j, specie in enumerate(specie_b_list): mol = specie.split("(", 1)[0].strip() typ = specie.split("(", 1)[1].split(")")[0].strip() if typ == "a": if mol not in ad_species: ad_species += [mol] elif typ == "g": if mol not in gas_species: gas_species += [mol] specie_b_mol += [mol] specie_b_typ += [typ] # print(ad_species) # print(gas_species) ReaInfo.close() return ad_species, gas_species
# print(Extract_reaction()) # 2.Substract energy of adsoprtion configuration
[docs]def Extract_energy(Efile, struc): """Batch extraction of calculated energy for specific species structure. Parameters ---------- Efile : str Energy information file struc : list of str Specific species that want to extract energy Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing two lists: - Ener : list of float The list of extracted energies. - order : list of str The sequential list of the extracted energies. """ EnerInfo = open(Efile, "r+") order = [] Ener = [] for i, ads_ener in enumerate(EnerInfo): ads = ads_ener.split(",", 1)[0] ener = ads_ener.split(",", 1)[1].strip() ads1 = sorted(ads.split("_", 3)[1:-1]) num = ads.split("_", 3)[-1] if ads1 == sorted(struc): order += [num] Ener += [round(float(ener), 3)] EnerInfo.close() return Ener, order
# Dir = "../Info/energy_list_coad.csv" # Ener,order=Extract_energy(Efile=Dir,struc=["NH3","OH"]) # print(Ener,order) # 3.Extract energy of radical & slab
[docs]def Extract_energy_single(Efile, struc): """Extract energy of radical & slab. Parameters ---------- Efile : str Energy information file. struc : str Structure that want to extract energy. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing the energy and the structure: - Ener : float The extracted energy. - struc : str The extracted structure. """ EnerInfo = open(Efile, "r+") # Ener=[] for i, ads_ener in enumerate(EnerInfo): ads = ads_ener.split(",", 1)[0] ener = ads_ener.split(",", 1)[1].strip() # conf=ads.s[lit('_')[0:-2] if ads == struc: # Ener += [round(float(ener),2)] Ener = round(float(ener), 3) EnerInfo.close() return Ener, struc
# Dir = "../Info/energy_radical" # Ener,struc=Exstract_energy_single(Efile=Dir,struc="NH3") # print(Ener,struc) # 4.Extract adsorption energy
[docs]def Extract_adsE(slab_E, radical_E, tot_E): """Calculates the adsorption energy. Parameters ---------- slab_E : float The crystal surface energy. radical_E : float The radical energy. tot_E : float The total energy. Returns ------- float The calculated adsorption energy. """ ads_E = float(tot_E) - float(slab_E) - float(radical_E) return round(ads_E, 3)
# 5.Get the potcar file
[docs]def get_potcar(poscar, path="/data/jqyang/src/mypps/potpaw_PBE/"): """Get the POTCAR file for VASP calculation. Parameters ---------- poscar : str The file path of POSCAR. path : str, optional The path of the pseudopotential files, by default '/data/jqyang/src/mypps/potpaw_PBE/'. Returns ------- None The function writes the combined POTCAR file. Raises ------ ValueError If the elements in the structure files are different. """ # extract the element species: list_elem = [] for i, pos in enumerate(poscar): struc = read(pos, format="vasp") symbols = struc.get_chemical_symbols() dic_sym = dict(Counter(symbols)) list_elem.append(list(dic_sym.keys())) # if num of file, compare them if i > 0: if list_elem[0] == list_elem[1]: list_pot = list_elem[0] else: print("Elements in structure files are different && please correct! ") else: list_pot = list_elem[0] # extract the potcars file and combines them if os.path.exists("POTCAR"): os.system("rm POTCAR") potcar = open("POTCAR", "w") for j in range(len(list_pot)): path_tmp = os.path.join(path, list_pot[j], "POTCAR") for line in open(path_tmp): potcar.writelines(line) potcar.close()
# 6. Get the site info from ase.neighborlist import NeighborList from ase.neighborlist import natural_cutoffs # from import molecule
[docs]def get_site(poscar, mole): """Determine the type of adsorption site. Parameters ---------- poscar : str The name of the POSCAR file. mole : list A list consisting of the chemical formula of the adsorbed molecule and the atoms adsorbed on the point. Returns ------- tuple A tuple of two lists: binding site types and the chemical symbols for other atoms bound to the binding site. """ struc = read(poscar, format="vasp") # molecule and atom info mol = molecule(mole[0]) atom_b = mole[1] # POSACR structure analysis # neighbor list of every atoms cutOff = natural_cutoffs(struc) nl = NeighborList(cutOff, self_interaction=False, bothways=True) nl.update(struc) matrix = nl.get_connectivity_matrix() # list of every atoms : the atom order in poscar, number of binding atoms, the symbol of the atom adatom_num = [] adatom_conn = [] adatom_symb = [] for i in range(len(struc.get_positions())): indices, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(i) # print(indices) if len(indices) < 5: # print('atoms %s is adatom'%(i)) adatom_num += [str(i)] adatom_conn += [len(indices)] adatom_symb += [struc.get_chemical_symbols()[i]] # for j, offset in zip(indices, offsets): # print(struc.positions[j] + offset @ struc.get_cell()) # the dict: key= the atom order in poscar, the number of binding atom dic_adatom = dict(zip(adatom_num, adatom_conn)) # get connectivity of the atom we studied in adsorbed configuration if atom_b in adatom_symb: # the atom order of the atom we studied atom_b_num = struc.get_chemical_symbols().index(atom_b) # the binding number of the atom,list of binding atoms of the atom # corresponding chemical symbol atom in catalyst atom_b_conn_a = dic_adatom.get(str(atom_b_num)) atom_b_conn, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(atom_b_num) atom_b_conn_symb = [struc.get_chemical_symbols()[i] for i in atom_b_conn if i < 36] # print(atom_b,atom_b_conn_a,atom_b_conn,atom_b_conn_symb) # adsorbed molecule analysis cutOff_a = natural_cutoffs(mol) nl_a = NeighborList(cutOff_a, self_interaction=False, bothways=True) nl_a.update(mol) matrix = nl_a.get_connectivity_matrix() mol_num = [] mol_conn = [] mol_symb = [] for j in range(len(mol.get_chemical_symbols())): indices, offsets = nl_a.get_neighbors(j) # atom number mol_num += [str(j)] # atom connectivity mol_conn += [len(indices)] # atom symbol mol_symb += [mol.get_chemical_symbols()[j]] dic_mol = dict(zip(mol_num, mol_conn)) # get connectivity of atom in molecule if atom_b in mol_symb: atom_b_num = mol.get_chemical_symbols().index(atom_b) atom_b_conn_m = dic_mol.get(str(atom_b_num)) # calculate binding site type typ = {"0": None, "1": "top", "2": "bri", "3": "hol", "4": "4-fold"} bind_type = typ.get(str(int(atom_b_conn_a) - int(atom_b_conn_m))) # print(bind_type) return bind_type, atom_b_conn_symb
# 7. To distinguish the surface and bulk atoms,atom binded with or not the surface from HTMACat.catkit.gen.utils import get_unique_coordinates import numpy as np
[docs]def distinguish_atom_binding(poscar, tol_layer=0.01, tol=0.05, base_layer=4, atoms_layer=9): """Distinguishes different types of atoms in a surface structure and classifies them as adatoms, surface atoms, and subsurface atoms based on their Z coordinates. Parameters ---------- poscar : str The input structure in POSCAR format tol_layer : float, optional Tolerance for distinguishing the Z coordinate of atoms belonging to different layers. Default is 0.01. tol : float, optional Tolerance for distinguishing the Z coordinate of adatoms and surface atoms. Default is 0.05. base_layer : int, optional The layer number where the surface atoms are located. Default is 4. atoms_layer : int, optional The minimum number of surface atoms required for the structure to be analyzed. Default is 9. Returns ------- tuple -adatoms : list A list of the indices of adatoms in the structure. -adatoms_symb : list A list of the chemical symbols of adatoms in the structure. -surfatoms : list A list of the indices of surface atoms in the structure. -surfatoms_symb : list A list of the chemical symbols of surface atoms in the structure. -subsurfatoms : list A list of the indices of subsurface atoms in the structure. -subsurfatoms_symb : list A list of the chemical symbols of subsurface atoms in the structure Raises ------ ValueError If tol is too large and not able to distinguish the layers, or if the structure cannot be analyzed. """ if isinstance(poscar, str): struct = read(poscar, format="vasp") else: struct = poscar # the representative Z coords of every layer coordinates_layer = get_unique_coordinates(struct, axis=2, tag=True, tol=tol_layer) coordinates = struct.get_scaled_positions()[:, 2] # the dict about the atoms and corresponding layers key_atom = [] value_layer = [] # print(coordinates_layer) for i, coord in enumerate(coordinates): for j, coord_layer in enumerate(coordinates_layer): dis = np.abs(coord - coord_layer) if dis < tol: # print(f'atom {i+1} belongs to layer {j+1}') key_atom += [i] value_layer += [j + 1] break elif j >= base_layer: # print(f'atom {i+1} belongs to layer {j+1}') key_atom += [i] value_layer += [j + 1] # if len(key_atom) != (i+1): # raise ValueError('tol is too large and not to distinguish the layers; Please reduce tol!') dict_atom_layer = dict(zip(key_atom, value_layer)) # print(dict_atom_layer) adatoms, adatoms_symb = [], [] surfatoms, surfatoms_symb = [], [] subsurfatoms, subsurfatoms_symb = [], [] for k in range(len(coordinates)): # print(dict_atom_layer.get(k)) if int(dict_atom_layer.get(k)) > base_layer: dict_atom_layer[k] = "adatom" adatoms += [k] adatoms_symb += [struct.get_chemical_symbols()[k]] elif dict_atom_layer.get(k) == base_layer: dict_atom_layer[k] = "surf_atom" surfatoms += [k] surfatoms_symb += [struct.get_chemical_symbols()[k]] elif dict_atom_layer.get(k) == (base_layer - 1): dict_atom_layer[k] = "subsurf_atom" subsurfatoms += [k] subsurfatoms_symb += [struct.get_chemical_symbols()[k]] else: continue # print(dict_atom_layer) base_element = ["Au", "Ag", "Pd", "Pt", "Rh", "Ru", "Ir", "Cu", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Zn"] if len(surfatoms) > int(atoms_layer): # print('surface atoms >9') # print(surfatoms_symb) surfatoms_final, surfatoms_symb_final = [], [] tmp = [] for n, atom_symb in enumerate(surfatoms_symb): if atom_symb not in base_element: # print(atom_symb) adatoms += [surfatoms[n]] adatoms_symb += [atom_symb] # surfatoms.pop(n) # surfatoms_symb.pop(n) tmp += [n] for m, atom_symb in enumerate(surfatoms_symb): if m not in tmp: surfatoms_final += [surfatoms[m]] surfatoms_symb_final += [surfatoms_symb[m]] surfatoms = surfatoms_final surfatoms_symb = surfatoms_symb_final # print(surfatoms_symb) # Ignore structures where Z coord of adatoms < Z coord of surfatoms Z_mean = np.mean([struct.get_scaled_positions()[i][2] for i in surfatoms]) Z_adatom = np.mean([struct.get_scaled_positions()[i][2] for i in adatoms]) if Z_adatom <= Z_mean: surfatoms = [] surfatoms_symb = [] # Ignore the structures without standard and integrated surface configurations elif len(surfatoms) < int(atoms_layer): # raise ValueError(f'{poscar} can not been analyzed!') surfatoms = [] surfatoms_symb = [] # return adatoms,adatoms_symb,surfatoms,surfatoms_symb,subsurfatoms,subsurfatoms_symb """ #extract the atoms and corresponding chemical symbols of specific layer layer_atoms=[] layer_atoms_symb=[] for m in range(len(coordinates)): if dict_atom_layer.get(m) == layer: layer_atoms += [m] layer_atoms_symb += [struct.get_chemical_symbols()[m]] return layer_atoms,layer_atoms_symb """ return adatoms, adatoms_symb, surfatoms, surfatoms_symb, subsurfatoms, subsurfatoms_symb
# get the neighboring atoms fo specific adatoms
[docs]def get_atom_neigh(poscar, atom): """Get the neighboring atoms of specific adsorbed atoms. Parameters ---------- poscar : str or pymatgen.Structure The VASP file or pymatgen.Structure object containing the lattice structure information. atom : str The chemical symbol of the specific adsorbed atom. Returns ------- tuple[list,list] A tuple of two lists: - The indices of the nearest neighbor atoms of the specified atom in the lattice structure. - The chemical element symbols of the nearest neighbor atoms. """ if isinstance(poscar, str): struct = read(poscar, format="vasp") else: struct = poscar layer = len(get_unique_coordinates(poscar, axis=2, tag=True, tol=0.01))-1 ( adatoms, adatoms_symb, surfatoms, surfatoms_symb, subsurfatoms, subsurfatoms_symb, ) = distinguish_atom_binding(poscar, tol=0.03, base_layer=layer) # Changed by RxChen, 2023/06/02 struct_symb = struct.symbols atom_symb = chemical_symbols[atom] atom_index, atom_neighs = [], [] # whether input atom occur in the bulk if atom_symb in struct.get_chemical_symbols(): cutOff = natural_cutoffs(struct, mult=1.0) nl = NeighborList(cutOff, self_interaction=False, bothways=True) nl.update(struct) # whether input atom occur in the adatoms for i, adatom_symb in enumerate(adatoms_symb): if atom_symb == adatom_symb: indices, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(adatoms[i]) for index in indices: atom_index += [index] atom_neighs += [struct.get_chemical_symbols()[index]] else: print(f"No {atom_symb} adatom") else: print(f"No {atom_symb} in {struct_symb}") return atom_index, atom_neighs
# 8. TO get atoms binding with surface among adatoms
[docs]def get_binding_adatom(poscar): """Determine the adsorbed atoms and the surface atoms to which they bind. Parameters ---------- poscar : str The VASP file path or pymatgen.Structure object. Returns ------- tuple[list,list,list,list,list,list] A tuple containing the following elements: - bind_adatoms :list The list of indices of adsorbed atoms that are bound to surface atoms. - bind_adatoms_symb :list The list of chemical symbols of adsorbed atoms that are bound to surface atoms. - adspecie :list The list of chemical representations of adsorbates. - bind_type_symb :list The list of adsorption types. - bind_surfatoms :list The list of indices of surface atoms that are bound to adsorbed atoms. - bind_surfatoms_symb :list The list of chemical symbols of surface atoms that are bound to adsorbed atoms. Notes ----- This function extracts adsorbed and surface atoms from the structure, calculates the neighbor list, and determines which adsorbed atoms are bound to which surface atoms. It then extracts the adsorbate species, the adsorption type, and the surface atoms that are bound to each adsorbed atom. """ # extract surface atoms and adsorbed atoms # adatoms,adatoms_symb=distinguish_atom_binding(poscar,tol=0.05,layer='adatom') # surf_atoms,surf_atom_symb=distinguish_atom_binding(poscar,tol=0.05,layer='surf_atom') # neighbor list of atoms in struct if isinstance(poscar, str): struct = read(poscar, format="vasp") else: struct = poscar layer = len(get_unique_coordinates(poscar, axis=2, tag=True, tol=0.01))-1 ( adatoms, adatoms_symb, surfatoms, surfatoms_symb, subsurfatoms, subsurfatoms_symb, ) = distinguish_atom_binding(poscar, tol=0.05, base_layer=layer) # Changed by RxChen, 2023/06/02 # print(adatoms_symb,surfatoms_symb) # print(struct.symbols) cutOff = natural_cutoffs(struct, mult=1.0) # print(cutOff) nl = NeighborList(cutOff, self_interaction=False, bothways=True) nl.update(struct) ## extract the adatoms binded with surface and corresponding surface atoms bind_adatoms = [] bind_adatoms_symb = [] bind_surfatoms = [] bind_surfatoms_symb = [] site_type = [] site_type2 = [] site_type_symb = [] # Extract the binded surface atoms and binded adsorbed atoms for i, atom in enumerate(adatoms): indices, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(atom) tmp = [] tmp2 = [] # print(indices) for index in indices: # print(index) if index in surfatoms: bind_adatoms += [atom] tmp += [index] tmp2 += [struct.get_chemical_symbols()[index]] else: continue # tmp3_symb=[struct.get_chemical_symbols()[i] for i in tmp3] if tmp != []: bind_surfatoms += [tmp] bind_surfatoms_symb += [tmp2] site_type += [len(tmp2)] # print(struct.get_scaled_positions()[atom][0:-1]) bind_adatoms = list(set(bind_adatoms)) bind_adatoms_symb = [struct.get_chemical_symbols()[i] for i in bind_adatoms] # Extract the bind type item = [] bind_type_symb = [] for j, adatom in enumerate(bind_adatoms): p1 = struct.get_scaled_positions()[adatom][0:-1] item_tmp = [] for k, atom in enumerate(subsurfatoms): p2 = struct.get_scaled_positions()[atom][0:-1] if abs(p1[0] - p2[0]) < 0.025 and abs(p1[1] - p2[1]) < 0.025: item_tmp += [True] else: item_tmp += [False] if any(item_tmp): item += [int(1)] else: item += [int(0)] # print(item) typ = {0: None, 1: "top", 2: "bri", 3: "hol", 4: "4-fold"} for m, bind in enumerate(site_type): bind_type = typ.get(bind) if bind_type == "hol" and item[m] == 0: bind_type_symb += ["fcc"] elif bind_type == "hol" and item[m] == 1: bind_type_symb += ["hcp"] else: bind_type_symb += [bind_type] # Extract the adsorbed species adspecie = [] for i, atom in enumerate(bind_adatoms): indices, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(atom) tmp3 = [atom] # print(indices) for index in indices: if (index in surfatoms) or (index in subsurfatoms): continue else: tmp3 += [index] # print(tmp3) tmp3_symb = "".join(list([struct.get_chemical_symbols()[i] for i in tmp3])) Ele = list(dict(Counter(tmp3_symb)).keys()) Num = list(dict(Counter(tmp3_symb)).values()) # print(tmp3_symb) # print(Ele) mol = "*" for j, E in enumerate(Ele): mol = mol + E if Num[j] == 1: continue else: mol = mol + str(Num[j]) if mol == "*OH2": mol = "*H2O" else: adspecie += [mol.split("*")[1]] # adspecie+=[''.join(list(chain.from_iterable(zip(Ele,Num))))] # mol=molecule(tmp3_symb)[0] # print(mol.symbol) return ( bind_adatoms, bind_adatoms_symb, adspecie, bind_type_symb, bind_surfatoms, bind_surfatoms_symb, )
# 9. To get the distance between adatoms from ase.geometry import get_distances from HTMACat.catkit.gen import defaults
[docs]def get_distance_adatoms(poscar, tol=0.1): """Calculate the distance between adsorbed atoms in a VASP file. Parameters ---------- poscar : str The VASP file or structure object. tol : float, optional A parameter that determines whether atoms are bonded. The default value is 0.1. Returns ------- tuple[list,list] A tuple containing two lists: - dis_symb_matrix : list of str A list of strings indicating the atomic symbols of the adsorbed atoms and their corresponding distance. - dis_matrix : list of float A list of distances between adsorbed atoms. Raises ------ ValueError If there is only one atom in the VASP file. """ if isinstance(poscar, str): struct = read(poscar, format="vasp") else: struct = poscar # struct=read(poscar,format='vasp') ( bind_adatoms, bind_adatoms_symb, adspecie, bind_type_symb, bind_surfatoms, bind_surfatoms_symb, ) = get_binding_adatom(poscar) radii = defaults.get("radii") radii_adatom = [radii[struct.numbers[i]] for i in bind_adatoms] dis_matrix = [] # distcance dis_symb_matrix = [] # symbol corresponding distance if len(bind_adatoms) < 2: raise ValueError("Only 1 atom and No distance") ## distance when there are 2 adatoms # elif len(bind_adatoms) == 2: # bond_distance=sum(radii_adatom) # print(bond_distance) # dis = get_distances(struct.get_positions()[bind_adatoms[0]],struct.get_positions()[bind_adatoms[1]])[1][0][0] # print(dis) # if abs(dis-bond_distance) < tol: # print('The dis may below the possible bond length') # else: # print(round(dis,3)) # return round(dis,3) ## distance when there are above 2 adatoms else: for i in range(len(bind_adatoms)): if (i + 1) > (len(bind_adatoms) - 1): continue else: dis_symb = "-".join([bind_adatoms_symb[i], bind_adatoms_symb[i + 1]]) bond_distance = radii_adatom[i] + radii_adatom[i + 1] ## get minmum distance of adsorbed atoms p_all = struct.get_scaled_positions() p1_scaled = struct.get_scaled_positions()[bind_adatoms[i]] p2_scaled = struct.get_scaled_positions()[bind_adatoms[i + 1]] # replace the minus coord struct.set_scaled_positions(p_all) # print(p1_scaled[0],p2_scaled[0]) if p1_scaled[0] - p2_scaled[0] >= 0.50: p_all[bind_adatoms[i + 1]][0] = p2_scaled[0] + 1 struct.set_scaled_positions(p_all) elif p1_scaled[0] - p2_scaled[0] <= -0.50: p_all[bind_adatoms[i]][0] = p1_scaled[0] + 1 struct.set_scaled_positions(p_all) if p1_scaled[1] - p2_scaled[1] >= 0.50: p_all[bind_adatoms[i + 1]][1] = p2_scaled[1] + 1 struct.set_scaled_positions(p_all) elif p1_scaled[1] - p2_scaled[1] <= -0.50: p_all[bind_adatoms[i]][1] = p1_scaled[1] + 1 struct.set_scaled_positions(p_all) dis = get_distances( struct.get_positions()[bind_adatoms[i]], struct.get_positions()[bind_adatoms[i + 1]], )[1][0][0] # print(struct.get_positions()[bind_adatoms[i]],struct.get_positions()[bind_adatoms[i+1]]) # print(get_distances(struct.get_positions()[bind_adatoms[i]],struct.get_positions()[bind_adatoms[i+1]])) ## ignore the configuraton with too near distance if abs(dis - bond_distance) < tol: print("The dis may below the possible bond length") else: dis_symb_matrix += [dis_symb] dis_matrix += [round(dis, 3)] return dis_symb_matrix, dis_matrix
# 10. To get the minimum distance between two group from ase.geometry import get_distances
[docs]def get_min_distance_group(struct, group1, group2): """Compute the minimum distance between two sets of atoms in a crystal structure. Parameters ---------- struct : ase.Atoms The crystal structure. group1 : list of int Indices of the atoms in the first group. group2 : list of int Indices of the atoms in the second group. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A 2D array containing the distances between each pair of atoms in group1 and group2. """ p1_scaled = [struct.get_scaled_positions()[i] for i in group1] p2_scaled = [struct.get_scaled_positions()[i] for i in group2] dis_matrix = get_distances(p1_scaled, p2_scaled) return dis_matrix
# 11. To peprocess the raw info for descritor construction
[docs]def Construct_descriptor_info(raw_file, atoms, feature): """Construct descriptor information from raw data file. Parameters ---------- raw_file : str Path to the raw data file. atoms : list a list of atoms. feature : list a list of features. Returns ------- feature_value : list a list of feature values for each atom. """ comp = open(raw_file, "r+") index_line, index_row, matrix_info = [], [], [] for i, com in enumerate(comp): line_tmp = com.split() line_tmp[-1] = com.split()[-1].strip() if i == 0: tmp1, tmp2 = [], [] for j, ltmp in enumerate(line_tmp): tmp1 += [ltmp.strip()] tmp2 += [j - 1] index_row = dict(zip(tmp1, tmp2)) else: index_line += [line_tmp[0]] matrix_info += [line_tmp[1:]] comp.close() feature_value = [] for i, ele in enumerate(atoms): line = index_line.index(ele) tmp = [] for j, des in enumerate(feature): row = index_row.get(des) tmp += [float(matrix_info[line][row])] feature_value += [tmp] # return index_line,index_row,matrix_info,feature_value return feature_value
# 12. Extrate the based info:atomic_numbers, atomic_names, atomic_masses, covalent_radii from import atomic_numbers, atomic_names, atomic_masses, covalent_radii, vdw_radii
[docs]def Extract_atomic_info(atoms): """Extracts information related to the provided atoms. Parameters ---------- atoms : list of int List of integers representing the atomic numbers of the atoms. Returns ------- tuple[list,list,list,list] A tuple containing the following information: - names_atoms : list of str List of strings representing the names of the atoms. - radii_atoms : list of float List of floats representing the covalent radii of the atoms. - mass_atoms : list of float List of floats representing the atomic masses of the atoms. - vdw_radii_atoms : list of float List of floats representing the van der Waals radii of the atoms. """ numbers_atoms = [atomic_numbers[i] for i in atoms] names_atoms = [atomic_names[i] for i in numbers_atoms] radii_atoms = [covalent_radii[i] for i in numbers_atoms] mass_atoms = [atomic_masses[i] for i in numbers_atoms] vdw_radii_atoms = [vdw_radii[i] for i in numbers_atoms] return names_atoms, radii_atoms, mass_atoms, vdw_radii_atoms
# 13. Extract the stable adsorption type for single molecule or radical adsorption based on adsorption energy
[docs]def get_site_stable(Efile, Ecut=-0.1): """Extracts the stable adsorption type for single molecule or radical adsorption based on adsorption energy. Parameters ---------- Efile : str Path to the file containing adsorption energies. Ecut : float, optional The maximum energy cut-off for stable adsorption (default is -0.1). Returns ------- tuple[dict,dict,list,dict] - spec_ads: a dictionary with species as keys and a list of possible adsorption types as values. - spec_ads_stable: a dictionary with species as keys and the stable adsorption type as values. - dir_list_final: a list of directories containing the stable adsorption configurations. - spec_ads_stable_surfa: a dictionary with species as keys and the symbol of the surface atom bound to the adsorbate in the stable adsorption configuration as values. """ EnerInfo = open(Efile, "r+") species_ads = [] typ = {None: 0, "top": 1, "bri": 2, "fcc": 3, "hcp": 3, "4-fold": 4} for i, ads_ener in enumerate(EnerInfo): species_ads += [ads_ener.split(",")[0].split("_")[-2]] specie_ads = set(species_ads) EnerInfo.close() spec, ads_type, ads_type_stable = [], [], [] dir_list_final = [] ads_type_surfa, ads_type_stable_surfa = [], [] for specie in specie_ads: ads_type_tmp, energy, dir_list = [], [], [] # ads_type_surfa_tmp=[] spec += [specie] EnerInfo = open(Efile, "r+") for j, ads_ener in enumerate(EnerInfo): ads = ads_ener.split(",")[0] ads1 = ads.split("_")[-2] ener = ads_ener.split(",")[-1].strip() # print(ads1,specie,ads1==specie) if ads1 == specie and float(ener) <= float(Ecut): ( bind_adatoms, bind_adatoms_symb, adspecie, bind_type_symb, bind_surfatoms, bind_surfatoms_symb, ) = get_binding_adatom(f"{ads}/CONTCAR") # bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,adspecie,bind_type_symb,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_symb=get_binding_adatom(f'{ads}/optmk/CONTCAR') # print(bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,adspecie,bind_type_symb,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_symb) if bind_type_symb == []: bind_type_symb = ["top"] ads_type_tmp += [typ.get(bind_type_symb[0])] energy += [ener] dir_list += [ads_ener.split(",")[0]] ads_type_surfa += [bind_surfatoms_symb[0]] EnerInfo.close() ads_type += [list(set(ads_type_tmp))] ads_type_stable += [[ads_type_tmp[energy.index(max(energy))]]] dir_list_final += [dir_list[energy.index(max(energy))]] ads_type_stable_surfa += [ads_type_surfa[energy.index(max(energy))]] spec_ads = dict(zip(spec, ads_type)) spec_ads_stable = dict(zip(spec, ads_type_stable)) spec_ads_stable_surfa = dict(zip(spec, ads_type_stable_surfa)) # print(ads_type_stable_surfa) return spec_ads, spec_ads_stable, dir_list_final, spec_ads_stable_surfa
#13-2. Extract the stable adsorption type for single molecule or radical adsorption based on the calculated energy
[docs]def get_site_stable_energy(Efile, Ecut=0.0): """Extract the stable adsorption type for single molecule or radical adsorption based on the calculated energy. Parameters ---------- Efile : str The path to the file containing the adsorption energy information. Ecut : float, optional The cutoff energy for considering stable adsorption types. Default is 0.0. Returns ------- tuple[dict,dict,list] The first dictionary contains all the possible adsorption types for each species. The second dictionary contains the stable adsorption type for each species. The third list contains the corresponding directories for each species' stable adsorption type. """ EnerInfo = open(Efile, "r+") species_ads = [] typ = {None: 0, "top": 1, "bri": 2, "fcc": 3, "hcp": 3, "4-fold": 4} for i, ads_ener in enumerate(EnerInfo): species_ads += [ads_ener.split(",")[0].split("_")[-2]] specie_ads = set(species_ads) EnerInfo.close() spec, ads_type, ads_type_stable = [], [], [] dir_list_final = [] for specie in specie_ads: ads_type_tmp, energy, dir_list = [], [], [] spec += [specie] EnerInfo = open(Efile, "r+") for j, ads_ener in enumerate(EnerInfo): ads = ads_ener.split(",")[0] ads1 = ads.split("_")[-2] ener = ads_ener.split(",")[-1].strip() # print(ads1,specie,ads1==specie) if ads1 == specie and float(ener) < float(Ecut): ( bind_adatoms, bind_adatoms_symb, adspecie, bind_type_symb, bind_surfatoms, bind_surfatoms_symb, ) = get_binding_adatom(f"{ads}/CONTCAR") if bind_type_symb == []: bind_type_symb = ["top"] ads_type_tmp += [typ.get(bind_type_symb[0])] energy += [ener] dir_list += [ads_ener.split(",")[0]] EnerInfo.close() ads_type += [list(set(ads_type_tmp))] ads_type_stable += [[ads_type_tmp[energy.index(max(energy))]]] dir_list_final += [dir_list[energy.index(max(energy))]] spec_ads = dict(zip(spec, ads_type)) spec_ads_stable = dict(zip(spec, ads_type_stable)) return spec_ads, spec_ads_stable, dir_list_final
# get the energy of most stable configurationi for single radical
[docs]def get_adsorption_energy_stable(Efile, specie, dop_typ): """Get the energy of most stable configurationi for single radical. Parameters ---------- Efile : str The name of the file storing energy information. specie : str The name of the adsorbed species. dop_typ : str The type of doping. Returns ------- tuple[list,list] A tuple containing the name of the most stable radical and its energy. """ EnerInfo = open(Efile, "r+") dir_spe, dir_ene = [], [] for i, ads_ener in enumerate(EnerInfo): ads = ads_ener.split(",")[0] ads1 = ads.split("_")[-2] dop = ads.split("_")[-3] ener = ads_ener.split(",")[-1].strip() # if (ads1 == specie) & (dop in dop_typ): if (ads1 == specie) & (dop == dop_typ): dir_spe += [ads] dir_ene += [float(ener)] EnerInfo.close() if dir_ene: spe = dir_spe[dir_ene.index(min(dir_ene))] ene = dir_ene[dir_ene.index(min(dir_ene))] return spe, ene else: return specie, None
# get the file name of reaction dir
[docs]def get_file_name(reaction): """ Given a chemical reaction as a string in the form of 'reactants = products', constructs the file name for the corresponding reaction file. Parameters ---------- reaction : str A chemical reaction in the form of 'reactants = products'. Returns ------- str The file name for the corresponding reaction file. Examples -------- >>> get_file_name('H2(g) + Cl2(g) = 2HCl(g)') 'H2+Cl2=2HCl' """ specie_f = reaction.split("=")[0].strip() specie_b = reaction.split("=")[1].strip() # Construct the reaction name ##1.Extract the reactant molecule and type (a g s) specie_f_list = [] for i in range(len(specie_f.split("+"))): specie_f_list += [specie_f.split("+")[i].strip()] specie_f_mol = [] specie_f_typ = [] for j, specie in enumerate(specie_f_list): specie_f_mol += [specie.split("(", 1)[0].strip()] specie_f_typ += [specie.split("(", 1)[1].split(")")[0].strip()] ##2.Extract the product molecule and type (a g s) specie_b_list = [] for i in range(len(specie_b.split("+"))): specie_b_list += [specie_b.split("+")[i].strip()] specie_b_mol = [] specie_b_typ = [] for j, specie in enumerate(specie_b_list): specie_b_mol += [specie.split("(", 1)[0].strip()] specie_b_typ += specie.split("(", 1)[1].split(")")[0].strip() ##3.construct the file name for every reaction File = "+".join(specie_f_mol) + "=" + "+".join(specie_b_mol) return File
# calculate the energy of radicals
[docs]def cal_Erad(FErad, Radical): """Calculates the energy of a given radical. Parameters ---------- FErad : str The name of the file containing the radical energies. Radical : str The name of the radical to calculate the energy for. Returns ------- float The energy of the given radical. Notes ----- The file containing the radical energies should be a comma-separated file,Just like this:Pt_100_CO2_0,-226.43504734 """ Erad = 0 with open(FErad, "r+") as Eradicals: for i, Eradical in enumerate(Eradicals): radical = Eradical.split(",")[0] E = Eradical.split(",")[1].strip() # find the atom energy if Radical == radical: # print(i,radical) Erad = float(Erad) + float(E) return Erad
## calculate the energy of radical relative to atom energy: ExCyHzO=xEC+yEH+zEO
[docs]def cal_Erad_atom(FErad, Radical): """Calculates the energy of each atom in a given radical. Parameters ---------- FErad : str The name of the file containing the atom energies. Radical : str The name of the radical to calculate the atom energies for. Returns ------- float The total energy of all atoms in the given radical. """ Erad = 0 rad = molecule(Radical) for i in rad.get_chemical_symbols(): with open(FErad, "r+") as Eradicals: for j, Eradical in enumerate(Eradicals): radical = Eradical.split(",")[0] E = Eradical.split(",")[1].strip() # find the atom energy if i == radical: # print(i,radical) Erad = float(Erad) + float(E) return Erad
[docs]def cal_Eslab(FEslab, facet): """Calculate the energy of a given slab facet. Parameters ---------- FEslab : str File path to the file containing the slab energies. facet : list a List containing the Miller indices of the facet. Returns ------- float Energy of the given slab facet. Examples -------- >>> cal_Eslab('path/to/file.csv', [1, 0, 0]) -123.45 """ E_slab = 0 with open(FEslab, "r+") as Eslabs: for i, Eslab in enumerate(Eslabs): slab = Eslab.split(",")[0].split("_")[0:-1] E = Eslab.split(",")[1] # find the facet energy if facet == slab: # print(slab) E_slab = float(E) return E_slab
## calculate the adE with atom energy: E(xCyHzO)ad=ECHOsurf-Esurf-xEC-yEH-zEO
[docs]def cal_Eads(Flist, FErad, FEslab, radicals, Erad_property="radical", Facet_property="all"): """Calculate the adsorption energy based on atom energy. Parameters ---------- Flist : str The filename of the file that contains the list of adsorption energy configurations. FErad : str The filename of the file that contains the atom energies of the radicals. FEslab : str The filename of the file that contains the energies of the slabs. radicals : list The list of radicals to consider. Erad_property : str, optional The property of the radical energy calculation. Default is 'radical'. Facet_property : str, optional The property of the facet energy calculation. Default is 'all'. Returns ------- None Outputs ------- adsE_{Erad_property}_{Facet_property} : file The file that contains the calculated adsorption energies. """ EnerInfo = open(Flist, "r+") Foutput = open(f"adsE_{Erad_property}_{Facet_property}", "w+") # num=0 for i, ads_ener in enumerate(EnerInfo): # extract the facet and radical conf = ads_ener.split(",", 1)[0] conf_facet = conf.split("_")[0:-2] conf_radical = conf.split("_")[-2] # extract the energy of adsorption configuration Eads = ads_ener.split(",", 1)[1].strip() # print(conf) if Eads: E_rad, E_slab = 0, 0 if conf_radical in radicals: # if conf.split('_')[-3] == 'b1': # num=num+1 # else: # num=num ## extract the energy of radical based atom energy if Erad_property == "atom": E_rad = cal_Erad_atom(FErad, conf_radical) elif Erad_property == "radical": E_rad = cal_Erad(FErad, conf_radical) else: print("Erad has not the property!") break ## extract the energy of facet with open(FEslab, "r+") as Eslabs: for j, Eslab in enumerate(Eslabs): line1 = Eslab.split("[")[0] Ftmp = line1.split(",") conf_slab = Ftmp[0].split("_")[0:-1] line2 = [eval(i) for i in Eslab.split("[")[1].split("]")[0].split(",")] # print(Ftmp[2]) # print(Ftmp[2]== 'True') if conf_slab == conf_facet: poscar = f"./poscar/{conf}.vasp" ( adatoms, adatoms_symb, surfatoms, surfatoms_symb, subsurfatoms, subsurfatoms_symb, ) = distinguish_atom_binding( poscar, tol=0.05, base_layer=int(Ftmp[3]), atoms_layer=int(float(Ftmp[4])), ) if line2 == surfatoms_symb: if Facet_property == "all": E_slab = Ftmp[1] elif (Facet_property == "stable") & (Ftmp[2] == "True"): E_slab = Ftmp[1] else: continue else: continue else: continue else: continue if E_slab: Eads = Extract_adsE(slab_E=E_slab, radical_E=E_rad, tot_E=Eads) # print(conf,Eads) Foutput.write(f"{conf},{Eads}\n") else: print("NO Eslab") else: print(f"{conf} is not calculated!") # print(f'Species: {num}') EnerInfo.close() Foutput.close()
[docs]def cal_adE_coad(Flist, FErad, FEslab, Erad_property="radical"): """Calculate the adsorption energy of CO on a surface with multiple radicals. Parameters ---------- Flist: str File path of a text file that contains the adsorption energy information of the system in each line. Each line should be in the following format: facet_radical1_radical2, adsorption_energy, where facet_radical1_radical2 is the identifier of the system, and adsorption_energy is the corresponding adsorption energy. FErad: str File path of a text file that contains the energy of each radical. Each line should be in the following format: radical, energy, where radical is the identifier of the radical, and energy is the corresponding energy. FEslab: str File path of a text file that contains the energy of each slab.. Erad_property: str, optional The property used to calculate the radical energy. It can be either 'atom' or 'radical'. Default is 'radical'. Returns ------- None The function writes the calculated adsorption energy for each system to a file named 'adsE_coad_<Erad_property>'. """ EnerInfo = open(Flist, "r+") Foutput = open(f"adsE_coad_{Erad_property}", "w+") for i, ads_ener in enumerate(EnerInfo): conf = ads_ener.split(",", 1)[0] Eads = ads_ener.split(",", 1)[1].strip() conf_facet = conf.split("_")[0:-3] conf_radicals = conf.split("_")[-3:-1] # if Eads and len(conf.split('_')) > 4: # if Eads and len(conf.split('_')) > 3: if Eads: # print(Eads,len(conf.split('_'))) E_rad, E_slab = 0, 0 E_slab = cal_Eslab(FEslab, conf_facet) if Erad_property == "atom": for i, conf_radical in enumerate(conf_radicals): ## extract the energy of radical based atom energy E_rad = float(E_rad) + float(cal_Erad_atom(FErad, conf_radical)) elif Erad_property == "radical": for i, conf_radical in enumerate(conf_radicals): E_rad = float(E_rad) + float(cal_Erad(FErad, conf_radical)) else: print("Erad has not the property!") break Eads = Extract_adsE(slab_E=E_slab, radical_E=E_rad, tot_E=Eads) print(conf, Eads) Foutput.write(f"{conf},{Eads}\n") else: print(f"{conf} is not calculated!") EnerInfo.close() Foutput.close()
# TO extract the struct info and energy of specific slab and
[docs]def Extract_slab_info_1(Flist, facet): """Extracts structural information and energy of specific slab. Parameters ---------- Flist : str File path to the list of slab energies. facet : list List of strings representing the surface facets to extract information for. Returns ------- tuple[list,list,list,list,list] - E_slab : list a List of energies for the given facets. - surf : list a List of lists of atomic symbols for the surface atoms of the given facets. - E_stable : list a List of the most stable energy value among the given facets. - surf_stable : list a List of atomic symbols for the surface atoms of the most stable facet. - layer_info : list a List containing the number of layers and the number of atoms in each layer of the most stable facet. Notes ----- This function extracts the energy and structural information of a specific slab given a list of energies and the surface facets to extract information for. The energy and surface information are extracted for all slabs that match the given facet. If there is only one matching slab, the energy and surface information are returned directly. If there are multiple matching slabs, the function determines the most stable facet by finding the slab with the lowest energy, and returns the energy and surface information for that slab. """ E_slab, surf = [], [] with open(Flist, "r+") as Eslabs: for i, Eslab in enumerate(Eslabs): conf = Eslab.split(",")[0] slab = Eslab.split(",")[0].split("_")[0:-1] E = Eslab.split(",")[1] ## TO extract the energy and surface info if facet == slab: E_slab += [float(E)] # TO extract struct info: layers and atom numbers of layer poscar = f"./poscar/{conf}.vasp" struct = read(poscar, format="vasp") layer = len(get_unique_coordinates(struct, axis=2, tag=True, tol=0.01))-1 # Changed by RxChen, 2023/06/02 atoms_layer = int(len(struct.get_chemical_symbols())) / int(layer) ( adatoms, adatoms_symb, surfatoms, surfatoms_symb, subsurfatoms, subsurfatoms_symb, ) = distinguish_atom_binding( poscar, tol=0.05, base_layer=layer, atoms_layer=atoms_layer ) surf += [surfatoms_symb] ## TO find out the most stable facet if len(E_slab) == 1: pass elif len(E_slab) > 1: E_stable = min(E_slab) surf_stable = surf[E_slab.index(E_stable)] return E_slab, surf, [E_stable], [surf_stable], [layer, atoms_layer]
#TO Extract the struct info and energy of slabs
[docs]def Extract_slab_info_2(Flist, layer=4): """TO Extract the struct info and energy of slabs. Parameters ---------- Flist: str Crystal surface energy information file layer: int Number of crystal layers, default value is 4 Returns ------- None """ Fslab = open("energy_facet_f", "w+") with open(Flist, "r+") as Eslabs: for i, Eslab in enumerate(Eslabs): conf = Eslab.split(",")[0] # TO extract energy E = Eslab.split(",")[1] E_slab = float(E) # TO extract struct info: layers and atom numbers of layer poscar = f"./poscar/{conf}.vasp" struct = read(poscar, format="vasp") layer = len(get_unique_coordinates(struct, axis=2, tag=True, tol=0.01)) - 1 # Changed by RxChen, 2023/06/02 atoms_layer = int(len(struct.get_chemical_symbols())) / int(layer) ( adatoms, adatoms_symb, surfatoms, surfatoms_symb, subsurfatoms, subsurfatoms_symb, ) = distinguish_atom_binding( poscar, tol=0.05, base_layer=layer, atoms_layer=atoms_layer ) surf = surfatoms_symb Fslab.write(f"{conf},\t{E_slab},\t{surf}\n") Fslab.close()
#To identify whether the symmetry is keeped#
[docs]def get_symmetry_surfatoms(poscar, tol=0.3): """Determine whether surface atoms are reconstructed. Parameters ---------- poscar : str or Structure Vasp format structure file tol : float, optional Tolerance for determining whether surface atoms are reconstructed. The default is 0.3. Returns ------- str A sign of whether surface atoms are reconstructed. "When surface atoms are reconstructed, 'NO' is returned, otherwise 'YES' is returned.". """ if isinstance(poscar, str): struct = read(poscar, format="vasp") else: struct = poscar # struct=read(poscar,format='vasp') layer = len(get_unique_coordinates(poscar, axis=2, tag=True, tol=0.01))-1 ( adatoms, adatoms_symb, surfatoms, surfatoms_symb, subsurfatoms, subsurfatoms_symb, ) = distinguish_atom_binding(poscar, tol=0.05, base_layer=layer) # Changed by RxChen, 2023/06/02 # print(surfatoms) dis_matrix = [] # distcance if len(surfatoms) < 2: # raise ValueError('Only or less than 1 atom and No distance') symmetry_prop = "NO" return symmetry_prop else: # p_all=struct.get_scaled_positions() # struct.set_scaled_positions(p_all) for i, atom1 in enumerate(surfatoms): dis = [] # print(atom1) for j, atom2 in enumerate(surfatoms): # print(atom2) if atom1 == atom2: continue else: if isinstance(poscar, str): struct = read(poscar, format="vasp") else: struct = poscar p_all = struct.get_scaled_positions() struct.set_scaled_positions(p_all) p1_scaled = struct.get_scaled_positions()[surfatoms[i]] p2_scaled = struct.get_scaled_positions()[surfatoms[j]] if p1_scaled[0] - p2_scaled[0] >= 0.50: p_all[surfatoms[j]][0] = p2_scaled[0] + 1 struct.set_scaled_positions(p_all) elif p1_scaled[0] - p2_scaled[0] <= -0.50: p_all[surfatoms[i]][0] = p1_scaled[0] + 1 struct.set_scaled_positions(p_all) if p1_scaled[1] - p2_scaled[1] >= 0.50: p_all[surfatoms[j]][1] = p2_scaled[1] + 1 struct.set_scaled_positions(p_all) elif p1_scaled[1] - p2_scaled[1] <= -0.50: p_all[surfatoms[i]][1] = p1_scaled[1] + 1 struct.set_scaled_positions(p_all) dis += [ get_distances( struct.get_positions()[surfatoms[i]], struct.get_positions()[surfatoms[j]], )[1][0][0] ] # print(dis) dis_matrix += [min(dis)] # print(min(dis_matrix),max(dis_matrix),np.mean(dis_matrix)) # if max(dis_matrix)-min(dis_matrix) > tol: if abs(np.mean(dis_matrix) - min(dis_matrix)) > tol: symmetry_prop = "NO" return symmetry_prop else: symmetry_prop = "YES" return symmetry_prop
from HTMACat.catkit.gen import defaults from import atomic_numbers, atomic_names, atomic_masses, covalent_radii, chemical_symbols import numpy as np if __name__ == "__main__": # get_potcar(['opt/POSstart','opt/POSend']) # bind_type,atom_b_conn_symb=get_site('opt/POSend',['NH2','N']) # Sub_repeat('opt/descriptor-all') # poscar='./opt/CONTCAR-Ag111' # dis_symb_matrix,dis_matrix=get_distance_adatoms(poscar,tol=0.1) # print(dis_symb_matrix,dis_matrix) # poscar='CONTCAR' # adatoms,adatoms_symb,surfatoms,surfatoms_symb,subsurfatoms,subsurfatoms_symb=distinguish_atom_binding(poscar,tol=0.05) # print(adatoms,adatoms_symb,surfatoms,surfatoms_symb,subsurfatoms,subsurfatoms_symb) # bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,adspecie,bind_type_symb,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_symb=get_binding_adatom(poscar) # print(bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,adspecie,bind_type_symb,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_symb) # print(get_symmetry_surfatoms(poscar,tol=0.2)) """Efile='ads_final_b1' spec_ads,spec_ads_stable,dir_list_final, spec_ads_stable_surfa=get_site_stable(Efile,Ecut=-0.1) #print(spec_ads) print(spec_ads_stable, spec_ads_stable_surfa) #print(dir_list_final) """ """ poscar='CONTCAR' atom = atomic_numbers['N'] atom_index,atom_neighs=get_atom_neigh(poscar,atom) print(atom_index,atom_neighs) """ # poscar='Pt_Au_100_b1_N_3/CONTCAR' # bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,adspecie,bind_type_symb,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_sym = get_binding_adatom(poscar) # print(bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,adspecie,bind_type_symb,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_sym) # dis_symb_matrix,dis_matrix=get_distance_adatoms('opt/CONTCAR1') # print(dis_symb_matrix,dis_matrix) # adatoms,adatoms_symb,surfatoms,surfatoms_symb,subsurfatoms,subsurfatoms_symb=distinguish_atom_binding(poscar,tol_layer=0.01,tol=0.02,base_layer=4,atoms_layer=9) # print( adatoms,adatoms_symb,surfatoms,surfatoms_symb,subsurfatoms,subsurfatoms_symb) # atoms=['Au','Ag','Pt','Pd','Rh','Ru','Ir','Cu','N','O','H','Zn','Fe','Co','Ni'] atoms = [ "Os", "C", "Cu", "Zn", "Al", "Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Y", "Zr", "Nb", "Mo", "Tc", "Hf", "Ta", "W", "Re", ] names_atom, radii_atoms, mass_atoms, vdw_radii_atoms = Extract_atomic_info(atoms) print(f"{atoms}\n{radii_atoms}\n{vdw_radii_atoms}") """layer_adatoms,layer_adatoms_symb=distinguish_atom_binding('opt/CONTCAR', tol=0.05,layer='adatom') print("adatom:%s%s" %(layer_adatoms,layer_adatoms_symb)) layer_surfatoms,layer_surfatoms_symb=distinguish_atom_binding('opt/CONTCAR', tol=0.05,layer='surf_atom') print("surf_atom:%s%s" %(layer_surfatoms,layer_surfatoms_symb)) #print("surf_atom:%s" %(layer_surfatoms_symb)) layer_subsurfatoms,layer_subsurfatoms_symb=distinguish_atom_binding('opt/CONTCAR', tol=0.05,layer='subsurf_atom') print("subsurf_atom:%s%s" %(layer_subsurfatoms,layer_subsurfatoms_symb)) """ """ #radii = defaults.get('radii') #radii_adatom=[radii[i.numbers] for i in layer_atoms_symb] #number_adatom=[atomic_numbers[i] for i in layer_atoms_symb] radii_adatom=[covalent_radii[i] for i in number_adatom] radii_mean = np.mean(radii_adatom) print(radii_mean) """ """ adatoms,adatoms_symb,surfatoms,surfatoms_symb,subsurfatoms,subsurfatoms_symb=distinguish_atom_binding('opt/CONTCAR-N',tol=0.01) print("adatom:%s%s" %(adatoms,adatoms_symb)) print("surf_atom:%s%s" %(surfatoms,surfatoms_symb)) bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,adspecie,bind_type_symb,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_sym = get_binding_adatom('opt/CONTCAR-N') print(bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,adspecie,bind_type_symb,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_sym) """ """descriptor=[] #feature=['Enegativity','Valence_electron','Atomic_radius','Atomic_mass'] feature=['Valence_electron','Atomic_radius'] feature_value_surf=Construct_descriptor_info('Info/Element_Info',layer_surfatoms_symb,feature) feature_value_subsurf=Construct_descriptor_info('Info/Element_Info',layer_subsurfatoms_symb,feature) feature_value=np.hstack((feature_value_surf,feature_value_subsurf)) print(feature_value) descriptor += [np.around(np.mean(feature_value,0),2)] print(descriptor) """ # bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,bind_type_symb,adspecie,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_symb=get_binding_adatom('opt/POSend') # print(bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,bind_type_symb,adspecie,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_symb) # bind_type,atom_b_conn_symb=get_site('opt/CONTCAR',['NH2','N']) # print(bind_type) # dis_symb_matrix,dis_matrix=get_distance_adatoms('opt/CONTCAR') # print(dis_symb_matrix,dis_matrix) # s='opt/CONTCAR' # if isinstance(s, str): # print("string") # else: # print("not string") # Sub_repeat('opt/descriptor-all')