Source code for HTMACat.NEB.Construct_neb

from ase import io
from ase.geometry import get_distances, Cell
from ase.neb import NEB
from ase.neb import interpolate
from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
from ase.visualize import view
import numpy as np

[docs]def Construct_neb(struct, method_inter="linear", nimages=6, dcut=0.25, d_scaled=0.5): """Construct a Nudged Elastic Band (NEB) for transitioning between two structures. Parameters ---------- struct : list List of two strings representing the initial and final states in VASP file format. method_inter : str, optional Method for interpolating the positions of the middle images. Either 'linear' or 'idpp'. Default is 'linear'. nimages : int, optional Number of images in the band, excluding the initial and final states. Default is 6. dcut : float, optional Distance cutoff (in Angstroms) used to determine which atoms need to be fixed during the NEB calculation. Default is 0.25. d_scaled : float, optional Distance (scaled by the cell lengths) used to modify the positions of atoms that are too far apart between the initial and final structures. Default is 0.5. Returns ------- images : list List of images representing the NEB calculation. The first and last images are the initial and final states, respectively, and the middle images are interpolated. Examples -------- >>> struct = ['initial.vasp', 'final.vasp'] >>> images = Construct_neb(struct, method_inter='idpp', nimages=10, dcut=0.2, d_scaled=0.3)s """ ###Read initial and final states: initial =[0], format="vasp") final =[1], format="vasp") ###fixed atoms distance and indices,modify the positions p1_scaled = initial.get_scaled_positions() p2_scaled = final.get_scaled_positions() p1 = initial.get_positions() p2 = final.get_positions() # print(p2[-1],final.get_scaled_positions()[-1]) length = initial.get_cell_lengths_and_angles()[0:3] Mask = [] Natom = [] if len(p1) == len(p2): for i in range(len(p1)): # get the distance of different axises # check the distance of every axis is or not larger than 0.5*cell length # If larger, add the length to modify the position for j in range(3): if (p2_scaled[i][j] - p1_scaled[i][j]) > d_scaled: if abs(p2_scaled[i][j] - p1_scaled[i][j]) > abs( p2_scaled[i][j] - (p1_scaled[i][j] + 1) ): p1_scaled[i][j] = p1_scaled[i][j] + 1 initial.set_scaled_positions(p1_scaled) else: pass elif (p2_scaled[i][j] - p1_scaled[i][j]) < -d_scaled: if abs(p2_scaled[i][j] - p1_scaled[i][j]) > abs( p2_scaled[i][j] + 1 - p1_scaled[i][j] ): p2_scaled[i][j] = p2_scaled[i][j] + 1 final.set_scaled_positions(p2_scaled) else: pass else: continue # get the Euclidean Distance # vector1,vector2=p1[i],p2[i];dis = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(vector1-vector2))) dis = get_distances(p1[i], p2[i])[1][0][0] # p1_t=np.array([p1_scaled[i][0]*length[0],p1_scaled[i][1]*length[1],p1_scaled[i][2]*length[2]]) # p2_t=np.array([p2_scaled[i][0]*length[0],p2_scaled[i][1]*length[1],p2_scaled[i][2]*length[2]]) # dis_t= np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(p1_t-p2_t))) # print(dis,dis_t) # according to the dcut(unit:Angstrom),choose the atoms needed to be fixed if dis > dcut: Mask += [False] else: Mask += [True] Natom += [i] else: print("The numbers of atoms between two structure are not equal !!!") # view(final) ###Make a band consisting of 6 images: images = [initial] images += [initial.copy() for i in range(nimages)] images += [final] neb = NEB(images) ###Interpolate idpp or linear the potisions of the six middle images: if method_inter == "linear": neb.interpolate(method="linear") elif method_inter == "idpp": neb.interpolate(method="idpp") else: print("the interpolate method no exist!") # ima=neb.iterimages() ###fixed atoms ##method 1:constraint = FixAtoms(indices=Natom) ##method 2:constraint = FixAtoms(mask=Mask) constraint = FixAtoms(mask=Mask) for image in images: # image.calc = Vasp(xc='PBE') image.set_constraint(constraint) return images
if __name__ == "__main__": import os from import write_vasp, read_vasp os.system("rm -rf 0*") ima = Construct_neb(["POSstart", "POSend"], method_inter="idpp", d_scaled=0.75, dcut=0.25) for i in range(len(ima)): os.mkdir(f"0{i}", 0o777) write_vasp("0%s/POSCAR" % (i), ima[i], direct=True, sort=[""], vasp5=True) print(f"{int(i)-1} images are constructed")