Source code for HTMACat.catkit.gen.adsorption

from . import defaults
from . import utils
from . import symmetry
import HTMACat.catkit as catkit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import scipy

radii = defaults.get("radii")

[docs]class AdsorptionSites: """Adsorption site object.""" def __init__(self, slab, surface_atoms=None, tol=1e-5): """Create an extended unit cell of the surface sites for use in identifying other sites. Parameters ---------- slab : Gatoms object The slab associated with the adsorption site network to be attached. tol : float Absolute tolerance for floating point errors. """ index, coords, offsets = utils.expand_cell(slab, cutoff=5.0) if surface_atoms is None: surface_atoms = slab.get_surface_atoms() if surface_atoms is None: raise ValueError("Slab must contain surface atoms") extended_top = np.where(np.in1d(index, surface_atoms))[0] self.tol = tol self.coordinates = coords[extended_top].tolist() self.connectivity = np.ones(extended_top.shape[0]).tolist() self.r1_topology = [[i] for i in np.arange(len(extended_top))] self.index = index[extended_top] sites = self._get_higher_coordination_sites(coords[extended_top]) self.r2_topology = sites["top"][2] # Put data into array format selection = ["bridge", "hollow", "4fold"] for i, k in enumerate(selection): coordinates, r1top, r2top = sites[k] if k in ["hollow", "4fold"]: r2top = [[] for _ in coordinates] self.connectivity += (np.ones(len(coordinates)) * (i + 2)).tolist() self.coordinates += coordinates self.r1_topology += r1top self.r2_topology += r2top self.coordinates = np.array(self.coordinates) self.connectivity = np.array(self.connectivity, dtype=int) self.r1_topology = np.array(self.r1_topology, dtype=object) self.r2_topology = np.array(self.r2_topology, dtype=object) self.frac_coords =, np.linalg.pinv(slab.cell)) self.slab = slab screen = ( (self.frac_coords[:, 0] > 0 - self.tol) & (self.frac_coords[:, 0] < 1 - self.tol) & (self.frac_coords[:, 1] > 0 - self.tol) & (self.frac_coords[:, 1] < 1 - self.tol) ) self.screen = screen self._symmetric_sites = None
[docs] def get_connectivity(self, unique=True): """Return the number of connections associated with each site.""" if unique: sel = self.get_symmetric_sites() else: sel = self.get_periodic_sites() return self.connectivity[sel]
[docs] def get_coordinates(self, unique=True): """Return the 3D coordinates associated with each site.""" if unique: sel = self.get_symmetric_sites() else: sel = self.get_periodic_sites() return self.coordinates[sel]
[docs] def get_topology(self, unique=True): """Return the indices of adjacent surface atoms.""" topology = [self.index[top] for top in self.r1_topology] topology = np.array(topology, dtype=object) if unique: sel = self.get_symmetric_sites() else: sel = self.get_periodic_sites() return topology[sel]
def _get_higher_coordination_sites(self, top_coordinates, allow_obtuse=True): """Find all bridge and hollow sites (3-fold and 4-fold) given an input slab based Delaunay triangulation of surface atoms of a super-cell. TODO: Determine if this can be made more efficient by removing the 'sites' dictionary. Parameters ---------- top_coordinates : ndarray (n, 3) Cartesian coordinates for the top atoms of the unit cell. Returns ------- sites : dict of 3 lists Dictionary sites containing positions, points, and neighbor lists. """ sites = { "top": [top_coordinates, [], [[] for _ in top_coordinates]], "bridge": [[], [], []], "hollow": [[], [], []], "4fold": [[], [], []], } dt = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(sites["top"][0][:, :2]) neighbors = dt.neighbors simplices = dt.simplices for i, corners in enumerate(simplices): cir = scipy.linalg.circulant(corners) edges = cir[:, 1:] # Inner angle of each triangle corner vec = sites["top"][0][edges.T] - sites["top"][0][corners] uvec = vec.T / np.linalg.norm(vec, axis=2).T angles = np.sum(uvec.T[0] * uvec.T[1], axis=1) # Angle types right = np.isclose(angles, 0) obtuse = angles < -self.tol rh_corner = corners[right] edge_neighbors = neighbors[i] if obtuse.any() and not allow_obtuse: # Assumption: All simplices with obtuse angles # are irrelevant boundaries. continue bridge = np.sum(sites["top"][0][edges], axis=1) / 2.0 # Looping through corners allows for elimination of # redundant points, identification of 4-fold hollows, # and collection of bridge neighbors. for j, c in enumerate(corners): edge = sorted(edges[j]) if edge in sites["bridge"][1]: continue # Get the bridge neighbors (for adsorption vector) neighbor_simplex = simplices[edge_neighbors[j]] oc = list(set(neighbor_simplex) - set(edge))[0] # Right angles potentially indicate 4-fold hollow potential_hollow = edge + sorted([c, oc]) if c in rh_corner: if potential_hollow in sites["4fold"][1]: continue # Assumption: If not 4-fold, this suggests # no hollow OR bridge site is present. ovec = sites["top"][0][edge] - sites["top"][0][oc] ouvec = ovec / np.linalg.norm(ovec) oangle =*ouvec) oright = np.isclose(oangle, 0) if oright: sites["4fold"][0] += [bridge[j]] sites["4fold"][1] += [potential_hollow] sites["top"][2][c] += [oc] else: sites["bridge"][0] += [bridge[j]] sites["bridge"][1] += [edge] sites["bridge"][2] += [[c, oc]] sites["top"][2][edge[0]] += [edge[1]] sites["top"][2][edge[1]] += [edge[0]] if not right.any() and not obtuse.any(): hollow = np.average(sites["top"][0][corners], axis=0) sites["hollow"][0] += [hollow] sites["hollow"][1] += [corners.tolist()] # For collecting missed bridge neighbors for s in sites["4fold"][1]: edges = itertools.product(s[:2], s[2:]) for edge in edges: edge = sorted(edge) i = sites["bridge"][1].index(edge) n, m = sites["bridge"][1][i], sites["bridge"][2][i] nn = list(set(s) - set(n + m)) if len(nn) == 0: continue sites["bridge"][2][i] += [nn[0]] return sites
[docs] def get_periodic_sites(self, screen=True): """Return an index of the coordinates which are unique by periodic boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- screen : bool Return only sites inside the unit cell. Returns ------- periodic_match : ndarray (n,) Indices of the coordinates which are identical by periodic boundary conditions. """ periodic_match = np.arange(self.frac_coords.shape[0]) if screen: return periodic_match[self.screen] coords = self.frac_coords periodic = periodic_match.copy()[self.screen] for p in periodic: matched = utils.matching_sites(self.frac_coords[p], coords) periodic_match[matched] = p return periodic_match
[docs] def get_symmetric_sites(self, unique=True, screen=True): """Determine the symmetrically unique adsorption sites from a list of fractional coordinates. Parameters ---------- unique : bool Return only the unique symmetrically reduced sites. screen : bool Return only sites inside the unit cell. Returns ------- sites : dict of lists Dictionary of sites containing index of site """ symmetry_match = self._symmetric_sites if symmetry_match is None: sym = symmetry.Symmetry(self.slab, tol=self.tol) rotations, translations = sym.get_symmetry_operations(affine=False) rotations = np.swapaxes(rotations, 1, 2) affine = np.append(rotations, translations[:, None], axis=1) points = self.frac_coords true_index = self.get_periodic_sites(False) affine_points = np.insert(points, 3, 1, axis=1) operations =, affine) symmetry_match = np.arange(points.shape[0]) for i, j in enumerate(symmetry_match): if i != j: continue d = operations[i, :, None] - points d -= np.round(d) dind = np.where((np.abs(d) < self.tol).all(axis=2))[-1] symmetry_match[np.unique(dind)] = true_index[i] self._symmetric_sites = symmetry_match if screen: periodic = self.get_periodic_sites() symmetry_match = symmetry_match[periodic] if unique: return np.unique(symmetry_match) else: return symmetry_match
[docs] def get_adsorption_vectors(self, unique=True, screen=True): """Returns the vectors representing the furthest distance from the neighboring atoms. Returns ------- vectors : ndarray (n, 3) Adsorption vectors for surface sites. """ top_coords = self.coordinates[self.connectivity == 1] if unique: sel = self.get_symmetric_sites(screen=screen) else: sel = self.get_periodic_sites(screen=screen) coords = self.coordinates[sel] r1top = self.r1_topology[sel] r2top = self.r2_topology[sel] vectors = np.empty((coords.shape[0], 3)) for i, s in enumerate(coords): plane_points = np.array(list(r1top[i]) + list(r2top[i]), dtype=int) vectors[i] = utils.plane_normal(top_coords[plane_points]) return vectors
[docs] def get_adsorption_edges(self, symmetric=True, periodic=True): """Return the edges of adsorption sties defined as all regions with adjacent vertices. Parameters ---------- symmetric : bool Return only the symmetrically reduced edges. periodic : bool Return edges which are unique via periodicity. Returns ------- edges : ndarray (n, 2) All edges crossing ridge or vertices indexed by the expanded unit slab. """ vt = scipy.spatial.Voronoi(self.coordinates[:, :2], qhull_options=f"Qbb Qc Qz C{1e-2}") select, lens = [], [] for i, p in enumerate(vt.point_region): select += [vt.regions[p]] lens += [len(vt.regions[p])] dmax = max(lens) regions = np.zeros((len(select), dmax), int) mask = np.arange(dmax) < np.array(lens)[:, None] regions[mask] = np.concatenate(select) site_id = self.get_symmetric_sites(unique=False, screen=False) site_id = site_id + self.connectivity / 10 per = self.get_periodic_sites(screen=False) uper = self.get_periodic_sites() edges, symmetry, uniques = [], [], [] for i, p in enumerate(uper): poi = vt.point_region[p] voi = vt.regions[poi] for v in voi: nr = np.where(regions == v)[0] for n in nr: edge = sorted((p, n)) if n in uper[: i + 1] or edge in edges: continue if (np.in1d(per[edge], per[uper[:i]]).any()) and periodic: continue sym = sorted(site_id[edge]) if sym in symmetry: uniques += [False] else: uniques += [True] symmetry += [sym] edges += [edge] edges = np.array(edges) if symmetric: edges = edges[uniques] return edges
[docs] def ex_sites(self, index, select="inner", cutoff=0): """Get site indices inside or outside of a cutoff radii from a provided periodic site index. If two sites are provided, an option to return the mutually inclusive points is also available. """ per = self.get_periodic_sites(False) sym = self.get_symmetric_sites() edges = self.get_adsorption_edges(symmetric=False, periodic=False) coords = self.coordinates[:, :2] if isinstance(index, int): index = [index] if not cutoff: for i in per[index]: sd = np.where(edges == i)[0] select_coords = coords[edges[sd]] d = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(select_coords, axis=1), axis=2) cutoff = max(d.max(), cutoff) cutoff += self.tol diff = coords[:, None] - coords[sym] norm = np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=2) neighbors = np.array(np.where(norm < cutoff)) neighbors = [] for i in index: diff = coords[:, None] - coords[per[i]] norm = np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=2) if select == "mutual" and len(index) == 2: neighbors += [np.where(norm < cutoff)[0].tolist()] else: neighbors += np.where(norm < cutoff)[0].tolist() if select == "inner": return per[neighbors] elif select == "outer": return np.setdiff1d(per, per[neighbors]) elif select == "mutual": return np.intersect1d(per[neighbors[0]], per[neighbors[1]])
[docs] def plot(self, savefile=None): """Create a visualization of the sites.""" top = self.connectivity == 1 other = self.connectivity != 1 dt = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(self.coordinates[:, :2][top]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4), frameon=False) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.triplot(dt.points[:, 0], dt.points[:, 1], dt.simplices.copy()) ax.plot(dt.points[:, 0], dt.points[:, 1], "o") ax.plot(self.coordinates[:, 0][other], self.coordinates[:, 1][other], "o") ax.axis("off") if savefile: plt.savefig(savefile, transparent=True) else:
[docs]class Builder(AdsorptionSites): """Initial module for creation of 3D slab structures with attached adsorbates.""" def __repr__(self): formula = self.slab.get_chemical_formula() string = f"Adsorption builder for {formula} slab.\n" sym = len(self.get_symmetric_sites()) string += f"unique adsorption sites: {sym}\n" con = self.get_connectivity() string += f"site connectivity: {con}\n" edges = self.get_adsorption_edges() string += f"unique adsorption edges: {len(edges)}" return string
[docs] def add_adsorbates(self, adsorbates, indices): """""" slab = self.slab.copy() for i, ads in enumerate(adsorbates): bond = np.where(ads.get_tags() == -1)[0][0] slab = self._single_adsorption( ads, slab=slab, bond=bond, site_index=indices[i], symmetric=False ) return slab
[docs] def add_adsorbate(self, adsorbate, bonds=None, index=0, auto_construct=True, **kwargs): """Add and adsorbate to a slab. If the auto_constructor flag is False, the atoms object provided will be attached at the active site. Parameters ---------- adsorbate : gratoms object Molecule to connect to the surface. bonds : int or list of 2 int Index of adsorbate atoms to be bonded. index : int Index of the site or edge to use as the adsorption position. A value of -1 will return all possible structures. auto_construct : bool Whether to automatically estimate the position of atoms in larger molecules or use the provided structure. Returns ------- slabs : gratoms object Slab(s) with adsorbate attached. """ if bonds is None: # Molecules with tag -1 are designated to bond bonds = np.where(adsorbate.get_tags() == -1)[0] if len(bonds) == 0: raise ValueError("Specify the index of atom to bond.") elif len(bonds) == 1: if index == -1: slab = [] for i, _ in enumerate(self.get_symmetric_sites()): slab += [ self._single_adsorption( adsorbate, bond=bonds[0], site_index=i, auto_construct=auto_construct, **kwargs, ) ] elif isinstance(index, (list, np.ndarray)): slab = [] for i in index: slab += [ self._single_adsorption( adsorbate, bond=bonds[0], site_index=i, auto_construct=auto_construct, **kwargs, ) ] else: slab = self._single_adsorption( adsorbate, bond=bonds[0], site_index=index, auto_construct=auto_construct, **kwargs, ) elif len(bonds) == 2: if index == -1: slab = [] edges = self.get_adsorption_edges() for i, _ in enumerate(edges): slab += [ self._double_adsorption(adsorbate, bonds=bonds, edge_index=i, **kwargs) ] else: slab = self._double_adsorption(adsorbate, bonds=bonds, edge_index=index, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Only mono- and bidentate adsorption supported.") return slab
def _single_adsorption( self, adsorbate, bond, slab=None, site_index=0, auto_construct=True, direction_mode='default', # wzj 20230524 指定确定位向的方式 direction_args=[], # wzj 20230524 为后续扩展预留的参数 symmetric=True): """Bond and adsorbate by a single atom.""" if slab is None: slab = self.slab.copy() atoms = adsorbate.copy() atoms.set_cell(slab.cell) if symmetric: ind = self.get_symmetric_sites()[site_index] vector = self.get_adsorption_vectors()[site_index] else: ind = self.get_periodic_sites()[site_index] vector = self.get_adsorption_vectors(unique=False)[site_index] # Improved position estimate for site. u = self.r1_topology[ind] r = radii[slab[self.index[u]].numbers] top_sites = self.coordinates[self.connectivity == 1] numbers = atoms.numbers[bond] R = radii[numbers] base_position = utils.trilaterate(top_sites[u], r + R, vector) branches = nx.bfs_successors(atoms.graph, bond) atoms.translate(-atoms.positions[bond]) """ ### zjwang 20230426 if auto_construct: atoms = catkit.gen.molecules.get_3D_positions(atoms, bond) # Align with the adsorption vector atoms.rotate([0, 0, 1], vector) """ if auto_construct: ### wzj 20230510 if direction_mode == 'default': atoms.rotate([0, 0, 1], vector) elif direction_mode == 'decision_boundary': adsorption_vector, flag = utils.solve_normal_vector_linearsvc(adsorbate.get_positions(), bond) atoms.rotate(adsorption_vector, [0, 0, 1]) atoms.translate(base_position) n = len(slab) slab += atoms # Add graph connections for metal_index in self.index[u]: slab.graph.add_edge(metal_index, bond + n) return slab def _double_adsorption(self, adsorbate, bonds=None, edge_index=0): """Bond and adsorbate by two adjacent atoms.""" slab = self.slab.copy() atoms = adsorbate.copy() atoms.set_cell(slab.cell) numbers = atoms.numbers[bonds] R = radii[numbers] * 0.95 edges = self.get_adsorption_edges() coords = self.coordinates[edges[edge_index]] U = self.r1_topology[edges[edge_index]] for i, u in enumerate(U): r = radii[slab[self.index[u]].numbers] * 0.95 top_sites = self.coordinates[self.connectivity == 1] coords[i] = utils.trilaterate(top_sites[u], R[i] + r) vec = coords[1] - coords[0] n = np.linalg.norm(vec) uvec0 = vec / n d = np.sum(radii[numbers]) * 0.95 dn = (d - n) / 2 base_position0 = coords[0] - uvec0 * dn base_position1 = coords[1] + uvec0 * dn # Position the base atoms atoms[bonds[0]].position = base_position0 atoms[bonds[1]].position = base_position1 # Temporarily break adsorbate bond atoms.graph.remove_edge(*bonds) vectors = self.get_adsorption_vectors(screen=False, unique=False) uvec1 = vectors[edges[edge_index]] uvec2 = np.cross(uvec1, uvec0) uvec2 /= -np.linalg.norm(uvec2, axis=1)[:, None] uvec1 = np.cross(uvec2, uvec0) """ ### zjwang 20230426 branches0 = list(nx.bfs_successors(atoms.graph, bonds[0])) if len(branches0[0][1]) != 0: uvec = [-uvec0, uvec1[0], uvec2[0]] self._branch_bidentate(atoms, uvec, branches0[0]) for branch in branches0[1:]: catkit.gen.molecules._branch_molecule( atoms, branch, adsorption=True) branches1 = list(nx.bfs_successors(atoms.graph, bonds[1])) if len(branches1[0][1]) != 0: uvec = [uvec0, uvec1[0], uvec2[0]] self._branch_bidentate(atoms, uvec, branches1[0]) for branch in branches1[1:]: catkit.gen.molecules._branch_molecule( atoms, branch, adsorption=True) """ n = len(slab) slab += atoms # Add graph connections slab.graph.add_edge(*np.array(bonds) + n) for i, u in enumerate(U): for metal_index in self.index[u]: slab.graph.add_edge(metal_index, bonds[i] + n) return slab def _branch_bidentate(self, atoms, uvec, branch): """Return extended positions for additional adsorbates based on provided unit vectors.""" r, nodes = branch num = atoms.numbers[[r] + nodes] d = radii[num[1:]] + radii[num[0]] c = atoms[r].position # Single additional atom if len(nodes) == 1: coord0 = ( c + d[0] * uvec[0] * np.cos(1 / 3.0 * np.pi) + d[0] * uvec[1] * np.sin(1 / 3.0 * np.pi) ) atoms[nodes[0]].position = coord0 # Two branch system elif len(nodes) == 2: coord0 = ( c + d[0] * uvec[1] * np.cos(1 / 3.0 * np.pi) + 0.866 * d[0] * uvec[0] * np.cos(1 / 3.0 * np.pi) + 0.866 * d[0] * uvec[2] * np.sin(1 / 3.0 * np.pi) ) atoms[nodes[0]].position = coord0 coord1 = ( c + d[1] * uvec[1] * np.cos(1 / 3.0 * np.pi) + 0.866 * d[1] * uvec[0] * np.cos(1 / 3.0 * np.pi) + 0.866 * d[1] * -uvec[2] * np.sin(1 / 3.0 * np.pi) ) atoms[nodes[1]].position = coord1 else: raise ValueError("Too many bonded atoms to position correctly.")
[docs]def get_adsorption_sites(slab, surface_atoms=None, symmetry_reduced=True, tol=1e-5): """Get the adsorption sites of a slab as defined by surface symmetries of the surface atoms. Parameters ---------- slab : Atoms object The slab to find adsorption sites for. Must have surface atoms defined. surface_atoms : array_like (N,) List of the surface atom indices. symmetry_reduced : bool Return the symmetrically unique sites only. adsorption_vectors : bool Return the adsorption vectors. Returns ------- coordinates : ndarray (N, 3) Cartesian coordinates of activate sites. connectivity : ndarray (N,) Number of bonds formed for a given adsorbate. symmetry_index : ndarray (N,) Arbitrary indices of symmetric sites. """ if surface_atoms is not None: slab.set_surface_atoms(surface_atoms) sites = AdsorptionSites(slab) if symmetry_reduced: s = sites.get_symmetric_sites() else: s = sites.get_periodic_sites() coordinates = sites.coordinates[s] connectivity = sites.connectivity[s] if symmetry_reduced: return coordinates, connectivity symmetries = sites.get_symmetric_sites(unique=False) unique, counts = np.unique(symmetries, return_counts=True) symmetry_index = np.arange(len(unique)).repeat(counts) return coordinates, connectivity, symmetry_index
def _get_adsorption_sites(surface_positions, tol=1e-5): """Return the positions and topology of adsorption sites based on the provided 3D positions of surface atoms for a structure. This function is intended for internal use only. Parameters ---------- surface_positions : ndarray (N, 3) Cartesian coordinates for the surface atoms of a structure. tol : float Float point precision tolerance. Returns ------- positions : ndarray (M, 3) Cartesian coordinates for the identifed adsorption sites. This is a superset which contrains the surface atoms positions. r1topology : list of lists (M, X) First nearest-neighbors of each of the adsorption sites associated with the positions. r2topology : list of lists (M, Y) Second nearest-neighbors of each of the adsorption sites associated with the positions. """ positions = [surface_positions, [], [], []] r1topology = [[[i] for i, _ in enumerate(surface_positions)], [], [], []] r2topology = [[[] for _ in surface_positions], [], [], []] dt = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(positions[0][:, :2]) neighbors = dt.neighbors simplices = dt.simplices for i, corners in enumerate(simplices): cir = scipy.linalg.circulant(corners) edges = cir[:, 1:] # Inner angle of each triangle corner vec = positions[0][edges.T] - positions[0][corners] uvec = vec.T / np.linalg.norm(vec, axis=2).T angles = np.sum(uvec.T[0] * uvec.T[1], axis=1) # Angle types right = np.isclose(angles, 0) obtuse = angles < -tol rh_corner = corners[right] edge_neighbors = neighbors[i] bridge = np.sum(positions[0][edges], axis=1) / 2 # Looping through corners allows for elimination of # redundant points, identification of 4-fold hollows, # and collection of bridge neighbors. for j, c in enumerate(corners): edge = sorted(edges[j]) if edge in r1topology[1]: continue # Get the bridge neighbors (for adsorption vector) neighbor_simplex = simplices[edge_neighbors[j]] oc = list(set(neighbor_simplex) - set(edge))[0] # Right angles potentially indicate 4-fold hollow potential_hollow = edge + sorted([c, oc]) if c in rh_corner: if potential_hollow in r1topology[3]: continue # Assumption: If not 4-fold, this suggests # no hollow OR bridge site is present. ovec = positions[0][edge] - positions[0][oc] ouvec = ovec / np.linalg.norm(ovec) oangle =*ouvec) oright = np.isclose(oangle, 0) if oright: positions[3] += [bridge[j]] r1topology[3] += [potential_hollow] r2topology[3] += [] r2topology[0][c] += [oc] else: positions[1] += [bridge[j]] r1topology[1] += [edge] r2topology[1] += [[c, oc]] r2topology[0][edge[0]] += [edge[1]] r2topology[0][edge[1]] += [edge[0]] if not right.any() and not obtuse.any(): hollow = np.average(positions[0][corners], axis=0) positions[2] += [hollow] r1topology[2] += [corners.tolist()] r2topology[2] += [] # For collecting missed bridge neighbors for s in r1topology[3]: edges = itertools.product(s[:2], s[2:]) for edge in edges: edge = sorted(edge) i = r1topology[1].index(edge) n, m = r1topology[1][i], r2topology[1][i] nn = list(set(s) - set(n + m)) if len(nn) == 0: continue r2topology[1][i] += [nn[0]] positions = np.array([j for i in positions for j in i]) r1topology = np.array([j for i in r1topology for j in i]) r2topology = np.array([j for i in r2topology for j in i]) return positions, r1topology, r2topology
[docs]def symmetry_equivalent_points(fractional_coordinates, atoms, tol=1e-5): """Return the symmetrically equivalent points from a list of provided fractional coordinates. Parameters ---------- fractional_coordinates : ndarray (N ,3) Fractional coordinates to find symmetrical equivalence between. atoms : Atoms object Atoms object to use the unit cell, positions, and pbc of. tol : float Float point precision tolerance. Returns ------- symmetry_match : ndarray (N,) Indices of fractional coordinates which are unique or matching. """ sym = symmetry.Symmetry(atoms, tol=1e-2) affine_matrices = sym.get_symmetry_operations() affine_matrices = np.swapaxes(affine_matrices, 1, 2) pbc = ~np.array(atoms.pbc.tolist() + [True]) nt = np.isclose(affine_matrices[:, pbc, 3], 0).any(axis=1) nt &= np.isclose(affine_matrices[:, pbc, 2], 1).any(axis=1) affine_matrices = affine_matrices[nt] affine_points = np.insert(fractional_coordinates, 3, 1, axis=1) operations =, affine_matrices)[:, :, :3] periodic_match = np.arange(fractional_coordinates.shape[0]) symmetry_match = periodic_match.copy() for i, j in enumerate(symmetry_match): if i != j: continue d = operations[i, :, None] - fractional_coordinates d -= np.round(d) dind = np.where((np.abs(d) < tol).all(axis=2))[-1] symmetry_match[np.unique(dind)] = periodic_match[i] return symmetry_match