Source code for HTMACat.descriptor.Construct_descriptor_NEB

from HTMACat.Extract_info import *
import os
import numpy as np

### To get the file names of elememtary reaction steps
[docs]def get_file_name(reaction): """This function constructs the file name for a given reaction. Parameters ---------- reaction : str The string representing the reaction, in the format "reactants = products". Returns ------- str The file name constructed based on the reaction, in the format "reactant1+reactant2+...=product1+product2+...". Examples -------- >>> get_file_name("2H2 + O2 = 2H2O") >>> '2H2+O2=2H2O' """ specie_f = reaction.split("=")[0].strip() specie_b = reaction.split("=")[1].strip() ### Construct the reaction name ##1.Extract the reactant molecule and type (a g s) specie_f_list = [] for i in range(len(specie_f.split("+"))): specie_f_list += [specie_f.split("+")[i].strip()] specie_f_mol = [] specie_f_typ = [] for j, specie in enumeratemak(specie_f_list): specie_f_mol += [specie.split("(", 1)[0].strip()] specie_f_typ += [specie.split("(", 1)[1].split(")")[0].strip()] ##2.Extract the product molecule and type (a g s) specie_b_list = [] for i in range(len(specie_b.split("+"))): specie_b_list += [specie_b.split("+")[i].strip()] specie_b_mol = [] specie_b_typ = [] for j, specie in enumerate(specie_b_list): specie_b_mol += [specie.split("(", 1)[0].strip()] specie_b_typ += specie.split("(", 1)[1].split(")")[0].strip() ##3.construct the file name for every reaction File = "+".join(specie_f_mol) + "=" + "+".join(specie_b_mol) return File
### To get info of catalytic surface
[docs]def get_surface_info(poscar, feature_surf, base_info): """Extract surface information from a given POSCAR file. Parameters ---------- poscar : str The path to the POSCAR file. feature_surf : list A list of features to be extracted from the surface. Each feature is a string, and can be one of the following: 'Valence_electron': the valence electron number of the atom. 'Atomic_radius': the atomic radius of the atom. base_info : str The path to the file containing the base information about the atoms. Returns --------- descriptor_surf : list A list of the surface descriptors. The order of the descriptors is the same as the order of the features provided. If the structure does not have a standard or integrated surface configuration, an empty list is returned. """ ### Extract the surface info descriptor_surf = [] # base_info='/data3/home/jqyang/high-throughput/script/construction/base-function/codes/Info/Element_Info' # feature_surf=['Valence_electron','Atomic_radius'] # feature_surf=['Atomic_radius'] ( adatoms, adatoms_symb, surfatoms, surfatoms_symb, subsurfatoms, subsurfatoms_symb, ) = distinguish_atom_binding(poscar, tol=0.05) # print(surfatoms_symb) feature_value_surf = Construct_descriptor_info(base_info, surfatoms_symb, feature_surf) ## Ignore structures without standard or integrated surface configuration if feature_value_surf != []: descriptor_surf = np.around(np.mean(feature_value_surf, 0), 2) # print(descriptor_surf) return descriptor_surf
### Extract the site info
[docs]def get_site_info(poscar): """This function extracts site information from a given POSCAR file. Parameters ---------- poscar (str): The name of the POSCAR file. Returns ------- descriptor_site (list): A list of the site descriptors. Notes ----- The function extracts the binding adatoms, adspecie, binding type symbols, and binding surface atoms from the POSCAR file. The function then assigns numerical values to the binding types based on the following dictionary: {None: 0, 'top': 1, 'bri': 2, 'fcc': 3, 'hcp': 3, '4-fold': 4}. The function then adds up the numerical values for each binding type symbol and returns a list of the resulting descriptor. """ descriptor_site = [] ( bind_adatoms, bind_adatoms_symb, adspecie, bind_type_symb, bind_surfatoms, bind_surfatoms_symb, ) = get_binding_adatom(poscar) typ = {None: 0, "top": 1, "bri": 2, "fcc": 3, "hcp": 3, "4-fold": 4} print(bind_type_symb) tmp = 0 for i in bind_type_symb: tmp += int(typ.get(i)) print(tmp) descriptor_site = [tmp] return descriptor_site
### Extract the adsorbate info
[docs]def get_adsorbate_info(poscar, feature_ads, base_info): """Extract the adsorbate information from the POSCAR file. Parameters ---------- poscar : str The path of the POSCAR file. feature_ads : list A list of descriptors to calculate for the adsorbate. base_info : str The path of the file containing information about the elements. Returns ------- descriptor_ads : list A list of the calculated descriptors for the adsorbate. """ ### Extract adsorbate info ( bind_adatoms, bind_adatoms_symb, adspecie, bind_type_symb, bind_surfatoms, bind_surfatoms_symb, ) = get_binding_adatom(poscar) descriptor_ads, descriptor_ads_tmp = [], [] for i, specie in enumerate(adspecie): ads = molecule(specie) ads_symb = ads.get_chemical_symbols() # print(ads_symb) feature_value_ads = Construct_descriptor_info(base_info, ads_symb, feature_ads) # print(feature_value_ads) descriptor_ads_tmp += [np.around(np.mean(feature_value_ads, 0), 2)] if len(adspecie) == 2: descriptor_ads = np.hstack((descriptor_ads_tmp[0], descriptor_ads_tmp[1])) else: descriptor_ads = np.hstack((descriptor_ads_tmp[0], [0, 0])) return descriptor_ads
[docs]def get_reaction_info(react="react.log", File_adsE="adsE_coad_radical"): """Extract the information of a chemical reaction, including reaction type, reactant info, product info, barrier and enthalpy. Extract the reactant and product adsorption energy from a file named adsE_coad_radical in the current directory. Parameters ---------- react : str, optional The name of the reaction file, by default 'react.log'. File_adsE : str, optional The name of the adsorption energy file, by default 'adsE_coad_radical'. Returns ------- tuple of np.ndarray or None A tuple of descriptor reaction array and reaction barrier. If the NEB of the given file is not calculated, return None for both values. Example ------- >>> descriptor_reaction, barrier = get_reaction_info('react.log', 'adsE_coad_radical') """ ### Extract reaction info ##1.Extract reaction type,reactant info,product info,barrier & enthalpy react_info = open(react, "r+") reaction_info = react_info.readlines() if len(reaction_info) > 2: reaction_type = reaction_info[0] reactant_info = reaction_info[1].split(",")[0].split("=")[0] product_info = reaction_info[1].split(",")[1].split("=")[0] # print(reactant_info,product_info) barrier = reaction_info[-3].split(":")[-1].strip() enthalpy = reaction_info[-2].split(":")[-1].strip() # print(barrier,enthalpy) react_info.close() ##2.extract the reactant and product adsorbed energy Ead_reactant, Ead_product = 0, 0 # Ead_info=open('../../surface-adsorption/adsE_coad_atom','r+') Ead_info = open(f"../../surface-adsorption/{File_adsE}", "r+") for k, sys in enumerate(Ead_info): sys_name = sys.split(",")[0] sys_ener = sys.split(",")[1].strip() if sys_name == reactant_info: Ead_reactant = sys_ener elif sys_name == product_info: Ead_product = sys_ener else: continue # print(Ead_reactant,Ead_product) Ead_info.close() ##Descriptor of Ead and reaction enthalpy descriptor_reaction = np.hstack((Ead_reactant, Ead_product, enthalpy)) # descriptor_reaction=np.hstack((Ead_reactant,enthalpy)) return descriptor_reaction, barrier else: print(f"NOTE: NEB of {File} is not calculated!") return None, None react_info.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": ReaInfo = open("reaction-bk", "r+") des_barr = open("descriptor-barr", "w+") des_type = open("descriptor-type", "w+") base_info = "/data3/home/jqyang/high-throughput/script/construction/base-function/codes/Info/Element_Info" feature_surf = ["Valence_electron", "Atomic_radius"] # feature_surf=['Atomic_radius'] feature_ads = ["Enegativity", "Valence_electron"] # File_adsE="adsE_coad_radical" for index, line in enumerate(ReaInfo): File = get_file_name(line) ## enter the dir Dir = os.getcwd() Element_type = Dir.split("/")[-3] print(f"Construction for {File} on {Element_type} system starts:") os.chdir(File) ### Extract the surface info descriptor_surf = get_surface_info("POSstart", feature_surf, base_info) ### Extract reaction info descriptor_reaction, barrier = get_reaction_info() ### Extract site info descriptor_site1 = get_site_info("POSstart") descriptor_site2 = get_site_info("POSend") ### Extract adsorbate info # descriptor_ads=get_adsorbate_info('POSstart',feature_ads,base_info) """ bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,adspecie,bind_type_symb,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_symb = get_binding_adatom('POSstart') descriptor_ads,descriptor_ads_tmp=[],[] for i,specie in enumerate(adspecie): ads = molecule(specie) ads_symb=ads.get_chemical_symbols() #print(ads_symb) feature_value_ads=Construct_descriptor_info(base_info,ads_symb,feature_ads) #print(feature_value_ads) descriptor_ads_tmp += [np.around(np.mean(feature_value_ads,0),2)] if len(adspecie) == 2: descriptor_ads=np.hstack((descriptor_ads_tmp[0],descriptor_ads_tmp[1])) else: descriptor_ads=np.hstack((descriptor_ads_tmp[0],[0,0])) """ if barrier: ### Recombination of descriptor info ## Integrated descriptor descriptor = np.hstack( (descriptor_surf, descriptor_reaction, descriptor_site1, descriptor_site2) ) # descriptor=np.hstack((descriptor_surf,descriptor_reaction,descriptor_site,descriptor_ads)) ## Descriptor+barrier descriptor_barrier = np.hstack((descriptor, barrier)) ## Descriptor+element type descriptor_type = np.hstack((descriptor, Element_type)) print(descriptor_barrier) print(descriptor_type) ### Output the descriptor # des_barr.write(f'{descriptor_barrier}') # des_type.write(f'{descriptor_type}') len_des = len(descriptor_barrier) print(len_des) for i, d in enumerate(descriptor_barrier): # if d == descriptor_barrier[-1]: if i == (int(len_des) - 1): des_barr.write("%s\n" % d) else: des_barr.write("%s\t" % d) for j, d in enumerate(descriptor_type): # if d == descriptor_type[-1]: if j == (int(len_des) - 1): des_type.write("%s\n" % d) else: des_type.write("%s\t" % d) print(f"Construction for {File} on {Element_type} system end!") print("-----------------------------") os.chdir(Dir) ReaInfo.close() des_barr.close() des_type.close()