Source code for HTMACat.descriptor.Construct_descriptor_surface_single

from HTMACat.Extract_info import *
from HTMACat.configuration import base_info

[docs]def Construct_descriptor( poscar, feature_surf, feature_ads, feature_site, adspecies, facet="100", label="all" ): descriptor = [] descriptor_surf = [] ### the features of catalyst surface : surfce valence electron,surface atomic radius, ### surf+subsurf mean valence electron,surf+subsurf mean atomic radius # surfatoms,surfatoms_symb=distinguish_atom_binding(poscar, tol=0.03,layer='surf_atom') # subsurfatoms,subsurfatoms_symb=distinguish_atom_binding(poscar, tol=0.03,layer='subsurf_atom') ( adatoms, adatoms_symb, surfatoms, surfatoms_symb, subsurfatoms, subsurfatoms_symb, ) = distinguish_atom_binding(poscar, tol=0.05) # print(surfatoms_symb) ## If NO, The symmetry of surface atoms could be broken if get_symmetry_surfatoms(poscar, tol=0.3) == "NO": print(f"The symmetry of surface atoms of {poscar} could not be keeped!") # return descriptor else: feature_value_surf = Construct_descriptor_info(base_info, surfatoms_symb, feature_surf) feature_value_subsurf = Construct_descriptor_info( base_info, subsurfatoms_symb, feature_surf ) # print(feature_value_surf) m0, n0 = np.array(feature_value_surf).shape m1, n1 = np.array(feature_value_subsurf).shape # print(m0,m1) ## Ignore structures without standard or integrated surface configuration ## if m0 not equal to m1 menas that the large surface reconstruction occurs and causes the broken of surface. if (feature_value_surf != []) and (m0 == m1): # print(feature_value_surf,feature_value_subsurf) feature_value = np.hstack((feature_value_surf, feature_value_subsurf)) # print(feature_value) descriptor_surf_tmp = np.around(np.mean(feature_value, 0), 2) facet_coord = {"100": 8, "111": 9} descriptor_surf = np.hstack((descriptor_surf_tmp, [facet_coord.get(facet)])) if label == "surface": return descriptor_surf else: ### the feature of adspecies and binding sites ( bind_adatoms, bind_adatoms_symb, adspecie, bind_type_symb, bind_surfatoms, bind_surfatoms_symb, ) = get_binding_adatom(poscar) # print(bind_adatoms,bind_adatoms_symb,adspecie,bind_type_symb,bind_surfatoms,bind_surfatoms_symb) # print(adspecie,bind_type_symb,bind_surfatoms_symb) # print(bind_type_symb[0]) if adspecie == []: print(f"The molecule can not adsorb in the {poscar}!") elif len(adspecie) > 1: print(f"More than 1 adspecie are found in {poscar}!") elif set(adspecie).intersection(set(adspecies)): ## construct the descriptor of adsorbate: mean enegativity, mean valence_electron # print(adspecie) descriptor_ads = [] # print(adspecie) ads = molecule(adspecie[0]) # print(ads) ads_symb = ads.get_chemical_symbols() feature_value_ads = Construct_descriptor_info(base_info, ads_symb, feature_ads) descriptor_ads = np.around(np.mean(feature_value_ads, 0), 2) # print(descriptor_ads) ## construct the descriptor of site: mean valence electron, mean atomic radius, bind type descriptor_site = [] typ = {None: 0, "top": 1, "bri": 2, "fcc": 3, "hcp": 3, "4-fold": 4} typ2 = {None: 0, "top": 0, "bri": 0, "fcc": 0, "hcp": 1, "4-fold": 0} site_type = np.hstack( (typ.get(bind_type_symb[0]), typ2.get(bind_type_symb[0])) ) feature_value_site = Construct_descriptor_info( base_info, bind_surfatoms_symb[0], feature_site ) descriptor_site_tmp = np.around(np.mean(feature_value_site, 0), 2) descriptor_site = np.append(descriptor_site_tmp, site_type) # print(descriptor_site) descriptor = np.hstack((descriptor_surf, descriptor_ads, descriptor_site)) # print(descriptor) return descriptor else: print(adspecie) print(f"{poscar} can not be identified!") else: print(f"Surface info of {poscar} can not be obtained ")
[docs]def Construct_descriptor_info_E(ele, facet, specie, facet_dop=True): """Construct descriptor information based on element, crystal plane and doping species class. Parameters ---------- ele : str The chemical symbol of an element. facet : str crystal face specie : str The chemical symbol of the dopant. facet_dop : bool, optional Whether the doping type is included (default True). Returns ------- str The energy value in the descriptor information. Notes ----- If 'facet_dop' is True, the doping type will be included when building descriptor information. """ with open("/data3/home/jqyang/general-script/energy_single", "r+") as Efile: f1 = Efile.readline().split() EN, EO, label = [], [], [] f2 = Efile.readlines() for i, sys in enumerate(f2): EN.append(sys.split()[0]) EO.append(sys.split()[1]) label.append(sys.split()[2].strip()) if facet_dop: lab = f"{ele}_{facet}" # print(label[0],specie) for j, l in enumerate(label): if (lab == l) and (f1[0] == specie): return EN[j] elif (lab == l) and (f1[1] == specie): return EO[j] else: continue else: lab = f"{ele}" for j, ls in enumerate(label): l = ls.split("_")[0] if (lab == l) and (f1[0] == specie): return EN[j] elif (lab == l) and (f1[1] == specie): return EO[j] else: continue
from HTMACat.Extract_info import * import os import numpy as np import operator
[docs]def Construct_des_module(adspecies, facet, dop_typ_all): """Constructs the descriptor module for a given set of adsorbates on a surface with a particular facet and doping type. Parameters ---------- adspecies : list of str A list of adsorbate species to consider. facet : str The surface facet to consider. dop_typ_all : list of str A list of doping types to consider. Returns ------- None The function writes the descriptor and energy information to an output file. """ feature_surf = ["Valence_electron", "Atomic_radius"] # feature_ads=['Enegativity','Valence_electron'] feature_ads = ["Valence_electron", "Atomic_radius"] feature_site = ["Valence_electron", "Atomic_radius"] # adspecies=['N'] # facet='111' # dop_typ_all = ['1','2','3','1L','b1'] file_all = open("descriptor-all-2", "w+") for typ in dop_typ_all: print("----------------------------------------") print("Construct descriptor {facet} {dop} starts:") print("1st step: Get the whole 'Descriptor+Ead'") EnerInfo = open(f"ads_final_{typ}", "r+") for i, Ener in enumerate(EnerInfo): sys = Ener.split(",")[0] ene = Ener.split(",")[-1].strip() sys_all = sys.split("_") dop_typ = sys_all[-3] base = sys_all[0] base2 = sys_all[1] facet3 = sys_all[2] specie = list(set(sys_all).intersection(set(adspecies))) if specie: if (dop_typ in dop_typ_all) and (facet == facet3): # poscar= f'./{sys}/optmk/CONTCAR' poscar = f"./{sys}/CONTCAR" # print(sys,specie[0]) E1 = Construct_descriptor_info_E(base, facet, specie[0]) E2 = Construct_descriptor_info_E(base2, facet, specie[0]) descriptor = Construct_descriptor( poscar, feature_surf, feature_ads, feature_site, adspecies, facet=facet, label="surface", ) # print(descriptor) if dop_typ == "1L": dop_typ = 9 if descriptor is None: tmp = np.hstack(([sys], ["None"], [ene], [base])) for d in tmp: if d == tmp[-1]: file_all.write("%s\n" % d) else: file_all.write("%s\t" % d) else: tmp = np.hstack(([sys], [E1], [E2], [dop_typ], descriptor, [ene], [base])) for d in tmp: if d == tmp[-1]: file_all.write("%s\n" % d) else: file_all.write("%s\t" % d) # file_all.writelines('%s\n' %tmp) EnerInfo.close() file_all.close()
[docs]def Construct_des_module_2(adspecies, facet, dop_typ_all): """Construct descriptor module for a given adsorbate species, facet, and dopant type(s). Parameters ---------- adspecies : str The adsorbate species to construct the descriptor for. facet : str The facet to construct the descriptor for. dop_typ_all : list A list of dopant types to consider. Returns ---------- None This function does not return anything. It writes the constructed descriptors to a file. Notes ----- This function reads energy information from a file named 'all' and uses the function Construct_descriptor_info_E to obtain information on the energy of a given adsorbate on a given facet and dopant type. The function Construct_descriptor is then used to construct a descriptor for a given system, and the descriptor is written to a file named 'descriptor-{facet}-{adspecies[0]}'. """ feature_surf = ["Valence_electron", "Atomic_radius"] feature_ads = ["Valence_electron", "Atomic_radius"] feature_site = ["Valence_electron", "Atomic_radius"] file_all = open(f"descriptor-{facet}-{adspecies[0]}", "w+") # for typ in dop_typ_all: print("----------------------------------------") print("Construct descriptor {facet} {dop} starts:") print("1st step: Get the whole 'Descriptor'") EnerInfo = open(f"all", "r+") for i, Ener in enumerate(EnerInfo): sys = Ener.split(".")[0] sys_all = sys.split("_") dop_typ = sys_all[-2] base = sys_all[0] base2 = sys_all[1] facet3 = sys_all[2] if (dop_typ in dop_typ_all) and (facet == facet3): # poscar= f'./{sys}/optmk/CONTCAR' poscar = f"./{sys}.vasp" print(sys) E1 = Construct_descriptor_info_E(base, facet, adspecies[0], facet_dop=True) E2 = Construct_descriptor_info_E(base2, facet, adspecies[0], facet_dop=False) descriptor = Construct_descriptor( poscar, feature_surf, feature_ads, feature_site, adspecies, facet=facet, label="surface", ) ### construct descriptor ## if dop_typ == "1L": dop_typ = 9 if descriptor is None: tmp = np.hstack(([sys], ["None"], [base])) for d in tmp: if d == tmp[-1]: file_all.write("%s\n" % d) else: file_all.write("%s\t" % d) else: tmp = np.hstack(([sys], [E1], [E2], [dop_typ], descriptor, [base])) for d in tmp: if d == tmp[-1]: file_all.write("%s\n" % d) else: file_all.write("%s\t" % d) # file_all.writelines('%s\n' %tmp) EnerInfo.close() file_all.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": # E=Construct_descriptor_info_E('Co','0001','N',facet_dop=False) adspecies = ["N", "O"] # facet='100' # dop_typ_all=['1','2','4','1L'] for specie in adspecies: # facet='111' # dop_typ_all=['1','2','3','1L'] facet = "100" dop_typ_all = ["1", "2", "4", "1L"] Construct_des_module_2([specie], facet, dop_typ_all)