"""Created on Sat Mar 18 09:00:12 2023.
@author: YuxiaoLan
from HTMACat.catkit.gen.adsorption import Builder
from HTMACat.catkit.gratoms import *
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, rdMolDescriptors
import math
from HTMACat.Extract_info import *
from HTMACat.model.Substrate import Slab
from HTMACat.catkit.gen.adsorption import AdsorptionSites
from HTMACat.model.Structure import Structure
import networkx.algorithms.isomorphism as iso
from ase import Atoms
from HTMACat.model.Species import init_from_ads, ABS_Species
[docs]class Adsorption(Structure):
def __init__(self, species: list, sites: list, spec_ads_stable=None, substrate=Slab()):
if spec_ads_stable is None:
spec_ads_stable = {
"NH3": [1],
"NH2": [2],
"NH": [2, 4],
"N": [2, 4],
"O": [2, 4],
"OH": [2, 4],
"NO": [2, 4],
"H2O": [1],
"H": [2, 4],
assert isinstance(species, list), "species should be a list of Species class"
assert isinstance(species[0], ABS_Species), "species should be a list of Species class"
assert isinstance(sites, list), "sites should be a list"
assert sites[0] in ['1', '2'], 'Supports only "1" "2" adsorption sites type for ads!'
self.species = species
self.sites = sites
self.spec_ads_stable = spec_ads_stable
self.substrate = substrate
[docs] def set_species(self, species):
self.species = species
[docs] def add_species(self, species):
[docs] def add_sites(self, sites):
[docs] def get_sites(self):
return self.sites # ' '.join(self.sites)
[docs] def out_file_name(self):
ads = []
ads_str = self.species[0].out_file_name()
substrate_str = self.substrate.out_file_name()
vasp_file_str: str = "_".join([substrate_str, ads_str])
return vasp_file_str
[docs] def out_print(self):
species_str = []
for i in range(len(self.species)):
species_str = " and ".join(species_str)
substrate_str = self.substrate.out_print()
print_str = f"{species_str} adsorption on {substrate_str}"
return print_str
[docs] def construct(self):
if self.get_sites()[0] == '1':
if len(self.get_sites()) == 1:
slabs_ads = self.Construct_single_adsorption()
ele = ''.join(self.get_sites()[1:]) ### wzj 20230518
slabs_ads = self.Construct_single_adsorption(ele=ele)
elif self.get_sites()[0] == '2':
slabs_ads = self.Construct_double_adsorption()
raise ValueError('Supports only "1" "2" adsorption sites for ads!')
if self.substrate.is_dope():
slabs_ads = self.remove_same(slabs_ads)
return slabs_ads
[docs] def remove_same(self, slabs_ads):
# To choose the config whose neighbor list includes the doped atoms
p1 = self.substrate.property["p1"]
p1_symb = self.substrate.property["p1_symb"]
slabs_ads_near = []
for slb in slabs_ads:
) = get_binding_adatom(slb)
if self.get_sites() == "1" and (set(p1_symb) & set(bind_surfatoms_symb[0])):
slabs_ads_near += [slb]
elif (
self.get_sites() == "2"
and (set(p1_symb) & set(bind_surfatoms_symb[0]))
or (set(p1_symb) & set(bind_surfatoms_symb[0]))
slabs_ads_near += [slb]
return slabs_ads_near
[docs] def Construct_single_adsorption(self, ele=None):
# generate surface adsorption configuration
slab_ad = []
slabs = self.substrate.construct()
for i, slab in enumerate(slabs):
site = AdsorptionSites(slab)
coordinates = site.get_coordinates()
builder = Builder(slab)
ads_use = self.species[0].get_molecule()
if not ele is None:
chemical_symbols = np.array(ads_use.get_chemical_symbols())
bond_atom_ids = chemical_symbols[chemical_symbols==ele]
bond_atom_ids = np.where(chemical_symbols==ele)[0]
### print('bond_atom_ids =', bond_atom_ids, bond_atom_ids.shape)
for j, coord in enumerate(coordinates):
for bond_id in bond_atom_ids:
slab_ad += [builder._single_adsorption(ads_use, bond=bond_id, site_index=j, direction_mode='decision_boundary')]
#if len(bond_atom_ids) > 1:
# slab_ad += [builder._single_adsorption(ads_use, bond=bond_id, site_index=j, direction_mode='decision_boundary', direction_args=bond_atom_ids)]
for j, coord in enumerate(coordinates):
slab_ad += [builder._single_adsorption(ads_use, bond=0, site_index=j)]
return slab_ad
[docs] def Construct_double_adsorption(self):
slab_ad = []
slabs = self.substrate.construct()
for i, slab in enumerate(slabs):
site = AdsorptionSites(slab)
builder = Builder(slab)
ads_use = self.species[0].get_molecule()
edges = site.get_adsorption_edges()
for j, edge01 in enumerate(edges):
slab_ad += [builder._double_adsorption(ads_use, bonds=[0, 1], edge_index=j)]
return slab_ad
[docs]class Coadsorption(Adsorption):
def __init__(self, species: list, sites: list, spec_ads_stable=None, substrate=Slab()):
super().__init__(species, sites, spec_ads_stable, substrate)
assert len(species) == 2, "Coads need Two adsorption Species, but %d was given" % len(
[docs] def construct(self):
### Change by RxChen, 2023 7 26:
if self.get_sites() == ['1','1']:
slabs_ads = self.Construct_coadsorption_11()
elif self.get_sites() == ['1','2']:
slabs_ads = self.Construct_coadsorption_12()
elif self.get_sites() == ['2','2']:
slabs_ads = self.Construct_coadsorption_22()
raise ValueError("Supports only ['1','1'] ['1','2'] ['2','2'] adsorption sites for coads!")### end
if self.substrate.is_dope():
slabs_ads = self.remove_same(slabs_ads)
return slabs_ads
[docs] def out_file_name(self):
ads = []
for every_species in self.species:
ads_str = "_".join(ads)
substrate_str = self.substrate.out_file_name()
vasp_file_str = "_".join([substrate_str, ads_str])
return vasp_file_str
[docs] def remove_same(self, slabs_ads):
# To choose the config whose neighbor list includes the doped atoms
p1 = self.substrate.property["p1"]
p1_symb = self.substrate.property["p1_symb"]
slabs_ads_near = []
for slb in slabs_ads:
) = get_binding_adatom(slb)
bind_surfatoms_symb_all = sum(bind_surfatoms_symb, [])
if set(p1_symb) & set(bind_surfatoms_symb_all):
slabs_ads_near += [slb]
return slabs_ads_near
[docs] def Construct_coadsorption_11(self):
slab_ad = []
ads_type = self.spec_ads_stable
dis_inter = self.substrate.get_dis_inter()
slabs = self.substrate.construct()
for i, slab in enumerate(slabs):
site01 = AdsorptionSites(slab)
builder01 = Builder(slab)
coordinate01 = site01.get_coordinates()
# generate surface adsorption configuration
ads1_use = self.species[0].get_molecule()
ads2_use = self.species[1].get_molecule()
for k, sitetype in enumerate(site01.get_symmetric_sites()):
slab = builder01._single_adsorption(
ads1_use, bond=0, site_index=k, auto_construct=True
coord01 = site01.get_coordinates()[k]
site02 = AdsorptionSites(slab)
coordinates02 = site02.get_coordinates()
for j, coord02 in enumerate(coordinates02):
dis = np.linalg.norm(coord01 - coord02)
if dis < float(dis_inter[0]):
elif dis > float(dis_inter[1]):
builder02 = Builder(slab)
slab_ad += [
ads2_use, bond=0, site_index=j, auto_construct=True
typ = {None: 0, "top": 1, "bri": 2, "fcc": 3, "hcp": 3, "4-fold": 4}
# view(slab_ad)
slab_ad_final = []
for j, adslab in enumerate(slab_ad):
) = get_binding_adatom(adslab)
adspecie_tmp, bind_type_symb_tmp = [], []
for k, spe in enumerate(adspecie):
if spe in ads_type.keys():
adspecie_tmp += [spe]
bind_type_symb_tmp += [bind_type_symb[k]]
if len(adspecie_tmp) < 2:
# print('Can not identify the config!')
slab_ad_final += [adslab]
elif typ.get(bind_type_symb_tmp[0]) in ads_type.get(adspecie_tmp[0]) and typ.get(
) in ads_type.get(adspecie_tmp[1]):
slab_ad_final += [adslab]
return slab_ad_final
[docs] def Construct_coadsorption_12(self):
slab_ad = []
slabs = self.substrate.construct()
dis_inter = self.substrate.get_dis_inter()
for i, slab in enumerate(slabs):
site01 = AdsorptionSites(slab)
# print(site01.get_symmetric_sites())
builder01 = Builder(slab)
coordinate01 = site01.get_coordinates()
# generate surface adsorption configuration
ads1_use = self.species[0].get_molecule()
ads2_use = self.species[1].get_molecule()
for k, coord01 in enumerate(coordinate01):
slab = builder01._single_adsorption(ads1_use, bond=0, site_index=k)
# after adsorbing an atoms
# site analysis and surface builder
site02 = AdsorptionSites(slab)
builder02 = Builder(slab)
# obtain the edges and ID and coordinates of all sites
edge02 = site02.get_adsorption_edges()
site_coord02 = site02.get_coordinates(unique=False)
site_type02 = site02.get_periodic_sites(screen=True)
dic_site = {}
keys = [site_type02[i] for i in range(len(site_type02))]
values = [site_coord02[i] for i in range(len(site_type02))]
dic_site = dict(zip(keys, values))
# emiliate the too near site
for j, edge in enumerate(edge02):
coord10 = dic_site.get(edge[0])
coord11 = dic_site.get(edge[1])
if coord10 is not None:
dis1 = np.linalg.norm(coord01 - coord10)
dis1 = dis_inter[0] + 0.1
if coord11 is not None:
dis2 = np.linalg.norm(coord01 - coord11)
dis2 = dis_inter[1] + 0.1
dis = min(dis1, dis2)
if dis < dis_inter[0]:
elif dis > dis_inter[1]:
slab_ad += [
builder02._double_adsorption(ads2_use, bonds=[0, 1], edge_index=j)
return slab_ad
[docs] def Construct_coadsorption_22(self):
slab_ad = []
dis_inter = self.substrate.get_dis_inter()
slabs = self.substrate.construct()
for i, slab in enumerate(slabs):
site01 = AdsorptionSites(slab)
# print(site01.get_symmetric_sites())
builder01 = Builder(slab)
# coordinate01 = site01.get_coordinates()
edge01 = site01.get_adsorption_edges()
site_coord01 = site01.get_coordinates(unique=False)
site_type01 = site01.get_periodic_sites(screen=True)
dic_site01 = {}
keys = [site_type01[i] for i in range(len(site_type01))]
values = [site_coord01[i] for i in range(len(site_type01))]
dic_site01 = dict(zip(keys, values))
# generate surface adsorption configuration
ads1_use = self.species[0].get_molecule()
ads2_use = self.species[1].get_molecule()
for k, edge01 in enumerate(edge01):
slab = builder01._double_adsorption(ads1_use, bonds=[0, 1], edge_index=k)
coord00 = dic_site01.get(edge01[0])
coord01 = dic_site01.get(edge01[1])
## after adsorbing an atoms
# site analysis and surface builder
site02 = AdsorptionSites(slab)
builder02 = Builder(slab)
# obtain the edges and ID and coordinates of all sites
edge02 = site02.get_adsorption_edges()
site_coord02 = site02.get_coordinates(unique=False)
site_type02 = site02.get_periodic_sites(screen=True)
dic_site02 = {}
keys = [site_type02[i] for i in range(len(site_type02))]
values = [site_coord02[i] for i in range(len(site_type02))]
dic_site02 = dict(zip(keys, values))
## emiliate the too near site
for j, edge in enumerate(edge02):
coord10 = dic_site02.get(edge[0])
coord11 = dic_site02.get(edge[1])
if not coord10 is None:
dis1 = np.linalg.norm(coord01 - coord10)
dis1 = dis_inter[0] + 0.1
if not coord11 is None:
dis2 = math.hypot(
coord00[0] - coord11[0],
coord00[1] - coord11[1],
coord00[2] - coord11[2],
dis2 = dis_inter[1] + 0.1
dis = min(dis1, dis2)
if dis < dis_inter[0]:
elif dis > dis_inter[1]:
slab_ad += [
builder02._double_adsorption(ads2_use, bonds=[0, 1], edge_index=j)
return slab_ad