Source code for HTMACat.model.Substrate

"""Created on Fri Mar 17 15:34:47 2023.

@author: YuxiaoLan

import math
from import bulk
from import read
from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
from HTMACat.catkit.gen.surface import SlabGenerator
from HTMACat.catkit.gen.adsorption import AdsorptionSites
from HTMACat.catkit.gratoms import Gratoms
import numpy as np
from HTMACat.model.Structure import Structure
from HTMACat.Base_tools import *

[docs]class Bulk: def __init__( self, element="Pt", lattice_type="fcc", lattice_constant=None, ele_dop="Cu", natom_dop="0", supercell=None, ): if supercell is None: supercell = [3, 3] if lattice_constant is None: lattice_constant = {"a": 3.96} if isinstance(natom_dop, int): natom_dop = str(natom_dop) if not isinstance(lattice_constant, dict): self.lattice_constant = {} self.set_lattice_constant(lattice_constant) else: self.lattice_constant = lattice_constant # 不同的lattice_type有不同的constant,hcp有个两个constant self.main_element = element self.lattice_type = lattice_type self.ele_dop = ele_dop self.natom_dop = natom_dop if self.natom_dop[0] == "b": self.supercell = [2, 2, 1] else: self.supercell = supercell + [1]
[docs] def set_lattice_constant(self, latcont): if not isinstance(latcont, list): self.lattice_constant["a"] = latcont else: self.lattice_constant["a"] = latcont[0] self.lattice_constant["c"] = latcont[1]
[docs] def get_ele_dop(self): return self.ele_dop
[docs] def get_supercell(self): return self.supercell
[docs] def get_natom_dop(self): return self.natom_dop
[docs] def get_main_element(self): return self.main_element
[docs] def construct(self): mname = self.main_element mlat = self.lattice_type if self.lattice_type == "hcp": mlatcon = self.lattice_constant["a"] mc = self.lattice_constant["c"] mbulk = bulk( mname, mlat, a=float(mlatcon), covera=float(mc) / float(mlatcon), cubic=False ) else: mlatcon = self.lattice_constant["a"] mbulk = bulk(mname, mlat, a=mlatcon, cubic=True) mbulk = self.dop_bulk(mbulk) return mbulk
[docs] def dop_bulk(self, mbulk): N_dop_bulk = self.get_ele_dop() natom = self.get_natom_dop() if N_dop_bulk == [] or natom[0] != "b": return mbulk dop_atoms_number = int(natom[1]) assert dop_atoms_number < len(mbulk), ( "bulk dop element should smaller than atoms number in one cell:%d," " but %d was given" % (len(mbulk), dop_atoms_number) ) for i in range(dop_atoms_number): mbulk[i].symbol = N_dop_bulk return mbulk
[docs] def get_dop_element(self): return self.ele_dop
[docs]class Slab(Structure): def __init__(self, in_bulk=Bulk(), facet="100", layers=4): self.bulk = in_bulk self.file = None self.facet = facet = {} self.layers = layers if "p1" not in or "p1_symb" not in["p1"] = []["p1_symb"] = []
[docs] def get_miller_index(self): miller_index = tuple(list(map(int, list(self.facet)))) return miller_index
[docs] def is_dope(self) -> bool: natom = self.bulk.get_natom_dop() if not natom.isdigit(): return False if natom == "0": return False return True
[docs] def get_facet(self): return self.facet
[docs] def get_layers(self): return self.layers
[docs] def out_file_name(self): mname = self.bulk.get_main_element() if self.bulk.get_natom_dop() == "0": return "_".join([mname, self.facet]) else: ele_dop = self.bulk.get_dop_element() natom_dop = self.bulk.get_natom_dop() return "_".join([mname, ele_dop, self.facet, natom_dop])
[docs] def out_print(self): mname = self.bulk.get_main_element() if self.bulk.get_natom_dop() == "0": return f"{mname} ({self.facet}) substrate" else: ele_dop = self.bulk.get_dop_element() natom_dop = self.bulk.get_natom_dop() return f"{ele_dop} {natom_dop} doped {mname} ({self.facet}) substrate"
[docs] def get_dis_inter(self): latcon = self.bulk.lattice_constant if self.facet == "111": dis_min = float(latcon["a"]) * math.sqrt(2) / 2 * math.sqrt(3) / 2 dis_max = float(latcon["a"]) * math.sqrt(2) / 2 * math.sqrt(3) dis_inter = [dis_min, dis_max] elif (self.facet == "100") or (self.facet == "0001"): dis_min = float(latcon["a"]) * 1 dis_max = float(latcon["a"]) * 2 dis_inter = [dis_min, dis_max] else: raise ValueError("Do not support facet: %s for generate inter distance" % self.facet) return dis_inter
[docs] def construct(self): natom = self.bulk.get_natom_dop() if natom == "0" or natom[0] == "b": slabs = self.Construct_slab() elif natom == "1L": slabs = self.Construct_1stLayer_slab() elif natom.isdigit(): slabs = self.Construct_doped_slab() else: raise ValueError("Do not support %s dop type to construct slab" % natom) return slabs
[docs] def Construct_slab(self): slab = [] miller_index = self.get_miller_index() mbulk = self.bulk.construct() supercell = self.bulk.get_supercell() layers = self.get_layers() ##### generate the surfaces ##### gen = SlabGenerator( mbulk, miller_index=miller_index, layers=layers, fixed=2, layer_type="trim", vacuum=8, standardize_bulk=True, ) terminations = gen.get_unique_terminations() for i, t in enumerate(terminations): slab += [gen.get_slab(iterm=i) * supercell] return slab
[docs] def Construct_1stLayer_slab(self): slabs = self.Construct_slab() Ele_dop = self.bulk.get_dop_element() slabs_dop = [] for i, slab in enumerate(slabs): surface_atoms = slab.get_surface_atoms() slb = slab.copy() for j, surf_atom in enumerate(surface_atoms): slb[surf_atom].symbol = Ele_dop slabs_dop += [slb] # view(slb*(2,2,1)) return slabs_dop
[docs] def Construct_doped_slab(self): # generate surface adsorption configuration slabs = self.Construct_slab() slabs_dop = [] Natom = int(self.bulk.get_natom_dop()) for i, slab in enumerate(slabs): # 修改了fcc的(100)面无法生成dope type 3的bug site = AdsorptionSites(slab) site_typ = site.get_connectivity() topo = site.get_topology() # atom_number_dop =[] if Natom in site_typ: j = np.argwhere(site_typ == Natom)[0][0] atom_number_dop = topo[j] elif Natom < len(topo[-1]): atom_number_dop = topo[-1] else: raise ValueError("the max dope number for this system is %d" % len(topo[-1])) slb = self.dope_slab(slab, atom_number_dop[0:Natom]) slabs_dop += [slb] return slabs_dop
[docs] def dope_slab(self, slab, atom_number_dop):["p1"] += [slab.get_positions()[k] for k in atom_number_dop] Ele_dop = self.bulk.get_dop_element() slb = slab.copy() symbol = slb.get_chemical_symbols() for k, item in enumerate(atom_number_dop): symbol[item] = Ele_dop slb.set_chemical_symbols(symbol)["p1_symb"] += [slb.get_chemical_symbols()[k] for k in atom_number_dop] return slb
[docs] @classmethod def init_one_slab(cls, init_dict): # initialize bulk bulk_list = ['element','lattice_type','lattice_constant','ele_dop','natom_dop','supercell'] bulk_init_dict = get_new_dict(bulk_list, init_dict) in_bulk = Bulk(**bulk_init_dict) # get the parameters for slab initialization slab_list = ['facet','layers'] slab_init_dict = get_new_dict(slab_list, init_dict) return cls(in_bulk, **slab_init_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def init_all_slab(cls, struct_Info: dict): assert isinstance( struct_Info, dict ), "Substrates init by self defined struct should be dict!" if struct_Info == {}: return [] substrates = [] # get the parameters for struct initialization struct_list = ['element','lattice_type','lattice_constant','supercell','layers'] struct_init_dict = get_new_dict(struct_list,struct_Info) # get the parameters for dope and surface initialization dope_system = struct_Info["dope"] dope_init_list = [] surface_init_list = [] for key, value in dope_system.items(): for i in value: dope_init_list.append({"ele_dop": key, "natom_dop": i}) for i in struct_Info["facet"]: surface_init_list.append({"facet": i}) # substrates initialization for i in range(len(dope_init_list)): for j in range(len(surface_init_list)): init_dict = {**struct_init_dict, **dope_init_list[i], **surface_init_list[j]} substrates.append(cls.init_one_slab(init_dict)) return substrates
[docs]class FileSlab(Structure): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename try: file_slab = read(self.filename, format="vasp") except: file_slab = read(self.filename, format="cif") self.gratoms = Gratoms( positions=file_slab.positions, numbers=file_slab.get_atomic_numbers(), magmoms=file_slab.get_initial_magnetic_moments(), cell=file_slab.cell, pbc=[True, True, False], )
[docs] def get_dis_inter(self): return [2.5, 5]
[docs] def is_dope(self): return False
[docs] def find_surface_atoms( self, atomstype, tol_zdiff=0.7, tol_zangle_min=0 ): # (Last modified: 20230416, zjwang) """ Generate the list of surface atoms (top surface). Parameters ---------- atomstype: str 'top' means find the top surface of slab 'bottom' means find the bottom surface of slab tol_zdiff: number If the z_coord of an atom is higher than zmax-tol_zdiff, this atom is recognized as a "surface atom". Returns ---------- index_topsurf: list List of the indices of the surface atoms. """ if atomstype == "top": coords = self.gratoms.positions elif atomstype == "bottom": coords = -self.gratoms.positions else: raise ValueError("Only support top and bottom for finding surface atoms") index_topsurf = [] zmax = np.max(coords[:, 2]) for i, icoord in enumerate(coords): if icoord[2] > zmax - tol_zdiff: index_topsurf.append(i) return index_topsurf
[docs] def construct(self): topsurf_atoms = self.find_surface_atoms("top") bottomsurf_atoms = self.find_surface_atoms("bottom") self.gratoms.set_surface_atoms(top=topsurf_atoms, bottom=bottomsurf_atoms) c_fix = FixAtoms( indices=[ atom.index for atom in self.gratoms if (not atom.index in topsurf_atoms) and (not atom.index in bottomsurf_atoms) ] ) self.gratoms.set_constraint(c_fix) return [self.gratoms]
[docs] def out_print(self) -> str: return "%s substrate" % self.filename
[docs] def out_file_name(self) -> str: return self.filename
[docs] @classmethod def init_all_slab(cls, input_list: list): assert isinstance(input_list, list), "Substrates reading from file should be list!" substrates = [] for filename in input_list: assert isinstance(filename, str), "Filename should be str!" substrates.append(cls(filename)) return substrates
[docs]def substrate_from_input(init_dict): substrates = [] substrates = substrates + FileSlab.init_all_slab(init_dict["file"]) substrates = substrates + Slab.init_all_slab(init_dict["struct"]) return substrates